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List of religions

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Revision as of 16:23, 18 Oct 2004
Adityanath (Talk | contribs)
many will need to be link to Wikipedia...but wait a while...
Current revision
Ash (Talk | contribs)
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-== Religions, sects and denominations == +{{religion}}
-:Note that the classification hereunder is only one of several possible. +
-===[[Abrahamic religions]]=== +The following is a '''list of religions'''. Note that the classification hereunder is only one of several possible. This system uses a filter system for categorization. A group will be listed in a category as close to the top of the page as the definitions for the category allow. Even if multiple definitions are applicable a religion will only be listed once. The definition of religion for this page is fairly liberal. 
-''Believers in the One God, [[Yahweh]]'' + 
-*'''[[Babism]]''' +==Magical / Esoteric =
-**[[Bahá'í Faith]] +* [[Thelema]]  
-**[[Orthodox Bahá'í Faith]] +* [[Gnosticism]] 
-*'''[[Christianity]]''' (see [[List of Christian denominations]]+* [[Theosophy]]  
-**[[Catholicism]] +* [[Spiritualism]]  
-**[[Eastern Orthodoxy]] +* [[Hermeticism]] 
-**[[Monophysitism|Monophysite]] [[Oriental Orthodoxy]] +* [[Wicca]] 
-**[[Nestorianism]] +* [[Voudun]] 
-**[[Protestantism]] +* [[Shamanism]] 
-***[[Anabaptists]] + 
-***[[Anglicans]] +==Abrahamic religions== 
-***[[Baptists]] +''Believers in One God also called classical [[monotheism]].'' 
-***[[Lutherans]] +*''' Babism ''' 
-***[[Methodists]] +*''' [[Bahá'í]]''' 
-***[[Pentecostalism|Pentecostals]] +** Bahá'í Faith 
-***[[Reformed churches|Reformed]] +*'''Druzism'''  
-****[[Presbyterian]] +** Orthodox Bahá'í Faith  
-***[[Society of Friends]] (Quakers)  +*''' Samaritanism''' (Samaritans
-**[[Restorationism]] +*''' Mandaeanism'''  
-***[[Jehovah's Witnesses]] +*''' Rastafarianism ''' 
-***[[Mormonism]] +*''' Black Hebrews ''' 
-***[[Seventh-day Adventist Church|Seventh-day Adventist]] + 
-*'''[[Druze|Druzism]]''' +===[[Christianity]]=== 
-*'''[[Gnosticism]]''' +* Eastern Orthodoxy  
-**[[Valentinians]] (see: [[Valentinius]]) +* Roman Catholicism  
-**[[Basilidians]] +* Oriental Orthodoxy (Monophysitism) 
-**[[Ophites]] +* Nestorianism  
-**[[Cainites]] +* Protestantism  
-**[[Carpocratians]] +** Anabaptists  
-**[[Borborites]] +** Anglicans  
-**[[Bogomils]] +** Baptists  
-**[[Cathars]] +** Lutherans  
-*'''[[Islam]]''' +** Methodists  
-**[[Ahmadiyya]] +** Pentecostalism|Pentecostals  
-**[[Kharijites]] +** Reformed  
-***[[Ibadis]] +*** Presbyterian  
-***[[Sufris]] +** Society of Friends (Quakers) 
-**[[Nation of Islam]] +** Waldensians  
-**[[Shi'a Islam|Shiite]] +* Restorationism  
-***[[Alawites]] +** Jehovah's Witnesses  
-***[[Ismailis]] +** Mormonism  
-***[[Jafari]] +** Seventh-day Adventist  
-***[[Zaiddiyah]] +===[[Gnosticism]]=== 
-**[[Sunni Islam|Sunni]] +* Basilidians  
-***[[Berailvi]] +* Bogomils  
-***[[Deobandi]] +* Borborites  
-***[[Hanafi]] +* Cainites  
-***[[Hanbali]] +* Carpocratians  
-***[[Maliki]] +* [[Cathars]] 
-***[[Mu'tazili]] +* Marcionism (not entirely Gnostic) 
-***[[Shafi'i]] +* Ophites  
-***[[Wahhabi]] +* Valentinians  
-**[[Sufism]] +===[[Islam]]=== 
-**[[Zikri]] +* Ahmadiyya  
-*'''[[Judaism]]''' (see also: [[Hebrews|Hebrew religion]]) +* Kharijites  
-**Pre-Rabbinic sects +** Ibadis  
-***[[Essenes]] +** Sufris  
-***[[Pharisees|Pharisaism]] +* Nation of Islam  
-***[[Sadducees]] +* Shi'a Islam (Shiite) 
-**Sects that believed in [[Jesus]]'s [[prophet|prophethood]] +** Alawites  
-***[[Ebionites]] +** Ismailis  
-***[[Elkasite|Elkasites]] +** Jafari  
-***[[Nazarene|The Nazarene Sects]] +** Zaiddiyah  
-***The revival movement, [[Talmidaism]]+* Sunni Islam  
 +** Berailvi  
 +** Deobandi  
 +** Hanafi  
 +** Hanbali  
 +** Maliki  
 +** Mu'tazili  
 +** Shafi'i  
 +** Wahhabi  
 +* [[Sufism]] 
 +* Zikri  
 +*Contemporary divisions 
 +** Karaite Judaism
**Rabbinic Judaism **Rabbinic Judaism
-***[[Conservative Judaism]] +*** Orthodox Judaism  
-***[[Orthodox Judaism]] +**** Haredi Judaism  
-****[[Haredi Judaism]] +**** Hassidic Judaism  
-****[[Modern Orthodox Judaism]] +**** Modern Orthodox Judaism  
-****[[Hasidic Judaism]] +*** Reform Judaism  
-***[[Reconstructionist Judaism]] +*** Conservative Judaism ( Masorti ) 
-***[[Reform Judaism]] +*** Reconstructionist Judaism  
-**[[Falasha]] Judaism +** Humanistic Judaism  
-**[[Karaite]] Judaism +*Historical Sects 
-*'''[[Mandaeanism]]'''  +** Hasmoneans 
-*'''[[Rastafarianism]]''' +** Essenes  
-*'''[[Samaritanism]]'''+** Pharisees  
 +** Sadducees  
 +** Zealots 
 +*** Sicarii  
 +*Heretical sects that believed Jesus was a prophet 
 +** Ebionites  
 +** Elkasites 
 +** Nazarenes 
 +** Talmidaism  
 +* Crypto-Jews  
 +** Marranos 
 +** Conversos 
 +*Jewish messianic movements 
 +** Jacob Frank (Frankists)  
 +** Sabbatai Zevi (Sabbatians) 
 +*** Donmeh  
 +==Dharmic religions== 
 +''Religions with a concept of [[Dharma]], also major religions of historical India ''
-===Dharmic religions=== 
-''Religions with a concept of [[Dharma]], also major religions of historical [[India]]'' 
-*'''[[Hinduism]]''' (see also [[Contemporary Hindu movements]]) 
-** [[Vaishnavism]] 
-***[[Swaminarayan]] sect 
-***[[Gaudiya Vaishnavism]] 
-****[[ISKCON]] (Hare Krishna) 
-**[[Bhakti]] (devotional Hinduism) 
-**Hindu [[Tantra]] 
-**[[Agama Hindu Dharma]] (Javanese Hinduism) 
-**Six major schools and movements of [[Hindu philosophy]] 
-***[[Purva mimamsa]] 
-***[[Vedanta]] (Uttar Mimamsa) 
-****[[Advaita Vedanta]] 
-****[[Aurobindo|Integral Yoga]] 
-****[[Hatha yoga]] 
-****[[Siddha Yoga]] 
-****[[Ashtanga Yoga]] 
-*'''[[Buddhism]]''' (see [[Schools of Buddhism]]) 
-**[[Nikaya Buddhism|Nikaya schools]] (which have historically been called [[Hinayana]] in the West) 
-**[[Vajrayana]] ([[Tantra|Tantric]] Buddhism) 
*'''[[Sikhism]]''' *'''[[Sikhism]]'''
-===[[Orisha|Orisha religions]]=== +===[[Hinduism]]=== 
-''Beliefs of the former African slaves'' +* Agama Hindu Dharma (Javanese Hinduism) 
-*[[Candomblé]] +* [[Shaivism]]  
-*[[Macumba]] +* [[Shaktism]]  
-*[[Santería]] +* [[Smartism]]  
-*[[Umbanda]] +* [[Vaishnavism]]  
-*[[Voudun]]+**Swaminarayan Religion 
 +**Shree Swaminarayan Sampraday 
 +** Gaudiya Vaishnavism  
 +*** ISKCON (Hare Krishna) 
 +*Six major schools and movements of Hindu philosophy  
 +** Samkhya  
 +** Nyaya  
 +** Vaisheshika  
 +** Purva mimamsa  
 +** Vedanta (Uttar Mimamsa) 
 +*** Advaita Vedanta  
 +*** Aurobindo|Integral Yoga  
 +** [[Yoga]]  
 +*** [[Ashtanga Yoga]]  
 +*** [[Hatha yoga]]  
 +*** [[Siddha Yoga]]  
 +*** [[Tantric Yoga]]  
 +* Mahayana  
 +* Nikaya Buddhism (which have historically been called Hinayana in the West) 
 +** Theravada  
 +* Vajrayana 
 +* Digambara  
 +* Shvetambara
-=== Indigenous and/or tribal religions === +==Other revealed religions== 
-''The orally transmitted cannon of the [[indigenous]] peoples'' +''These are broadly similar to Abrahamic religions in scope and nature, but follow a separate history of prophesy and belief''
-*African religions +
-**[[Akamba mythology]] +
-**[[Akan mythology]] +
-**[[Ashanti mythology]] +
-**[[Bushongo mythology]] +
-**[[Dahomey mythology]] +
-**[[Dinka mythology]] +
-**[[Efik mythology]] +
-**[[Egyptian mythology]] +
-**[[Isoko mythology]] +
-**[[Khoikhoi mythology]] +
-**[[Lotuko mythology]] +
-**[[Lugbara mythology]] +
-**[[Pygmy mythology]] +
-**[[Tumbuka mythology]] +
-**[[Voudun]] (Voodoo) +
-**[[Yoruba mythology]] +
-**[[Zulu mythology]] +
-*European religions +
-**[[Anglo-Saxon mythology]] +
-**[[Basque mythology]] +
-**[[Chukchi mythology]] +
-**[[Druidry]] +
-**[[Finnish mythology]] +
-**[[Greek religion]] +
-***[[Greek mythology]] +
-***[[Hellênismos]] +
-***[[Roman religion]] +
-****[[Roman mythology]] +
-**[[Norse mythology]] +
-**[[Slavic mythology]] +
-*[[Native American]] religions +
-**[[Abenaki mythology]] +
-**[[Aztec mythology]] +
-**[[Blackfoot mythology]] +
-**[[Chippewa mythology]] +
-**[[Creek mythology]] +
-**[[Crow mythology]] +
-**[[Guarani mythology]] +
-**[[Haida mythology]] +
-**[[Ho-Chunk mythology]] +
-**[[Huron mythology]] +
-**[[Ibo mythology]] +
-**[[Iroquois mythology]] +
-**[[Kwakiutl mythology]] +
-**[[Lakota mythology]] +
-**[[Lenape mythology]] +
-**[[Navaho mythology]] +
-**[[Nootka mythology]] +
-**[[Pawnee mythology]] +
-**[[Salish mythology]] +
-**[[Seneca mythology]] +
-**[[Tsimshian mythology]] +
-**[[Ute mythology]] +
-**[[Zuni mythology]] +
-*Northern indigenous religions +
-**[[Aleut mythology]] +
-**[[Evenk mythology]] +
-**[[Inuit mythology]] +
-**[[Yukaghir mythology]] +
-*Oceanic religions +
-**[[Australian Aboriginal mythology]] +
-**[[Micronesian mythology]] +
-**[[Maori mythology]] +
-**[[Modekngei]] (Republic of [[Palau]]) +
-**[[Nauruan indigenous religion]] +
-**[[Polynesian mythology]] +
-**[[Tuvaluan mythology]]+
-===[[Left-Hand Path and Right-Hand Path|Left-hand path religions]]=== +* [[Zoroastrianism]]
-''Religions which value the spiritual advancement of the self over other goals'' +
-*[[Demonolatry]] +
-*[[Dragon Rouge]] +
-*[[Order of the Solar Temple]] +
-*[[Satanism]] +
-**[[Church of Satan]] +
-**[[Order of Nine Angles]] +
-*[[Setianism]] ''also spelled Sethianism'' +
-**[[Temple of Set]] +
-**[[The Storm]] +
-*[[Thelema]] +
-**[[Ordo Templi Orientis]] +
-**[[Fraternitas Saturni]]+
-===[[Neopaganism|Neopagan Religions]]=== +==Indigenous religions == 
-''Revival religions'' +''The orally transmitted canon of indigenous peoples, many involving some variant of animism and most defunct'' 
-*[[Asatru]] +===African religions=== 
-*[[Church of All Worlds]] +* Akamba mythology  
-*[[Dievturiba]] +* Akan mythology  
-*[[Neo-druidism]] +* Ashanti mythology  
-*[[Judeo-Paganism]] +* Bushongo mythology  
-*[[Summum]] +* Dahomey mythology  
-*[[Wicca]] +* Dinka mythology  
-**[[Alexandrian Wicca]] +* Efik mythology  
-**[[Dianic Wicca]] ([[Feminist Wicca]]+* Egyptian mythology  
-**[[Gardnerian Wicca]] +* Isoko mythology  
-**[[Seax-Wica]] +* Khoikhoi mythology  
-**[[Faery Wicca]] +* Lotuko mythology  
-**[[Feri Tradition]]+* Lugbara mythology  
 +* Pygmy mythology  
 +* Tumbuka mythology  
 +* Yoruba mythology  
 +* Zulu mythology  
 +===European religions=== 
 +* Anglo-Saxon mythology  
 +* Basque mythology  
 +* Chukchi mythology  
 +* Druidry (Celtic Religion ) 
 +* Finnish mythology  
 +* Greek religion  
 +** [[Greek mythology]]  
 +** Mystery religions 
 +*** [[Eleusinian Mysteries]]  
 +*** [[Mithraism]]  
 +*** [[Pythagoreanism]]  
 +* Norse mythology  
 +* Roman religion  
 +** Roman mythology  
 +* Slavic mythology  
 +===Asian religions=== 
 +* Babylonian and Assyrian religion  
 +** Assyrian mythology  
 +** Babylonian mythology  
 +** Chaldean mythology  
 +** Sumerian mythology  
 +* Bön (Indigenous Tibetan belief
 +* Chinese mythology  
 +* [[Shinto]]  
 +** Oomoto  
 +* Tengrism (Indigenous Mongol, Tartar & Kazakh belief) 
 +* Yezidis (Modified indigenous Kurdish belief) 
 +===Native American religions=== 
 +* Abenaki mythology  
 +* Aztec mythology  
 +* Blackfoot mythology  
 +* Chippewa mythology  
 +* Creek mythology  
 +* Crow mythology  
 +* Guarani mythology  
 +* Haida mythology  
 +* Ho-Chunk mythology  
 +* Huron mythology  
 +* Ibo mythology  
 +* Iroquois mythology  
 +* Kwakiutl mythology  
 +* Lakota mythology  
 +* Lenape mythology  
 +* Navaho mythology  
 +* Nootka mythology  
 +* Pawnee mythology  
 +* Salish mythology  
 +* Seneca mythology  
 +* Tsimshian mythology  
 +* Ute mythology  
 +* Zuni mythology  
 +===Northern indigenous religions=== 
 +* Aleut mythology  
 +* Evenk mythology  
 +* Inuit mythology  
 +* Yukaghir mythology  
 +===Oceanic religions=== 
 +* Australian Aboriginal mythology  
 +* Balinese mythology  
 +* Micronesian mythology  
 +* Maori mythology  
 +* Modekngei (Republic of Palau ) 
 +* Nauruan indigenous religion  
 +* Polynesian mythology  
 +* Tuvaluan mythology
-===Alien-based religions=== +==Neopaganism== 
-''Belivers in the [[Extraterrestrial life|extraterrestrial]] seeding of Earth'' +''Modern religions seeking to recreate indigenous, usually pre-Christian, beliefs and practices'' 
-*[[Raelism]] +* Ásatrú  
-*[[Scientology]] +* Church of All Worlds  
-**[[Church of Scientology]] +* Dievturiba  
-**[[Free Zone]] +* Ghost Dance  
-*[[Urantia]], Book of+* Neo-druidism  
 +* Judeo-Paganism  
 +* Hellênismos  
 +* Orisha (beliefs of the former West African slaves in the New World) 
 +** Kumina  
 +** Obeah  
 +** [[Santeria]] (''Lukumi'') 
 +** [[Voudun]]  
 +*** Beninese Vodun  
 +*** La Regla Arara  
 +*** Jeje Vodun  
 +*** Sèvis Gine  
 +* Kongo (beliefs of the former South and Central African (Bantu) slaves in the New World 
 +** Candomblé  
 +** Macumba  
 +** Palo  
 +*** Mayombe  
 +**** Kimbisa  
 +**** Briyumba  
 +**** Malongo  
 +** Umbanda and Quimbanda  
 +** Xango  
 +* Rodoverie (Slavic paganism) 
 +* Summum  
 +*Alexandrian Wicca  
 +* Dianic Wicca ( Feminist Wicca ) 
 +* Gardnerian Wicca  
 +* Seax-Wica  
 +* Faery Wicca  
 +* Feri Tradition
-===Spirit religions=== +==Non-revealed religions== 
-''Faiths that are primarily concerned with the existence of [[Spiritual being|spirits]]'' +''Philosophies not transmitted by a divine prophet'' 
-*[[Shinto]] +* [[Taoism]] 
-**[[Oomoto]] +* [[Confucianism]]  
-*[[Spiritualism]] ([[Spiritism]])  +* Carvaka  
-**[[Kardecist Spiritism]]+* Fellowship of Reason  
 +* Spiritual Humanism  
 +* Mohism  
 +* Prometheism [http://www.prometheism.net/]
-===[[Syncretism|Syncretic unification religions]]==+==Left-Hand Path religions==
-''Faiths that consider all or some religions to be essentially the same'' +
-*[[Revelation of Arès|Arès Pilgrim Movement]] +
-*[[Cao Dai]] +
-*[[Falun Dafa]] ([[Falun Gong]]) +
-*[[Huna]] +
-*[[Konkokyo]] +
-*[[Law of One]] +
-*[[Manichaeism]] +
-*[[Unitarian Universalism]] +
-*[[Universal Life Church]] +
-*[[Tenrikyo]] +
-*[[Theosophy]] +
-=== [[Parody religion|Parody or mock religions]] === +''The ultimate goal is separating consciousness from the universe, rather than being absorbed by it'' 
-''Groups that poke fun at other religions or religion in general'' +* Demonolatry  
-*[[Church of God the Utterly Indifferent]] +* Dragon Rouge  
-*[[Church of the SubGenius]] (The cult of [[Bob Dobbs]]) +* [[Satanism]]  
-*[[Discordianism]] (some Discordians maintain that their religion is not wholly without an element of seriousness) +** LaVeyan Satanism  
-*'''Elvis religions''' +*** Church of Satan  
-**[[Church of Jesus Christ Elvis]] +*** First Satanic Church  
-**[[The First Preslyterian Church of Elvis the Divine]] [http://www.geocities.com/presleyterian_church/home.html] +** Order of Nine Angles  
-*'''Fictional religions turned Parody''' +* [[Setianism]] ''also spelled Sethianism'' 
-**[[Bokononism]] +** Temple of Set  
-**[[Jedi_(census)|Jedi]] (The 2001 Census reported more Jedi in England than [[Sikhism|Sikhs]]) +** The Storm  
-*[[The First Church of the Last Laugh]] [http://www.saintstupid.com/] +* Quimbanda
-*[[Invisible Pink Unicorn]] +
-*[[Kibology]] +
-*[[Landover Baptist Church]] +
-*[[Universal Church of Google]] +
-*[[Roshambo (religion)|Roshambo]] +
-*[[Shatnerology]] +
-*'''Text editor religions''' +
-**[[Church of Emacs]] +
-**[[Cult of Vi]]+
-===Utilitarian religions=== +==Syncretic religions== 
-''Groups formed for sole benefit of religious status'' +''Faiths created from blending earlier religions or that consider all or some religions to be essentially the same'' 
-*[[THC Ministry]]+* Revelation of Arès  
 +* Cao Dai  
 +* Falun Dafa ( Falun Gong ) 
 +* Huna  
 +* Konkokyo  
 +* Law of One  
 +* Mahikari [http://philtar.ucsm.ac.uk/encyclopedia/easia/mahik.html] 
 +* Manichaeism  
 +* [[Unitarian Universalism]]  
 +* Universal Life Church  
 +* Tenrikyo  
 +* [[Theosophy]]  
 +* Seicho-No-Ie
-=== Non-revealed religions === +==Entheogen religions== 
-''Philosophies not transmitted by a divine prophet'' +''Religions based around divinely inspiring substances'' 
-*[[Confucianism]] +* Ayahuasca-based beliefs 
-*[[Deism]] +** Santo Daime [http://philtar.ucsm.ac.uk/encyclopedia/latam/santo.html
-*[[Fellowship of Reason]+** União do Vegetal  
-*[[Religious Humanism|Spiritual Humanism]] +* Church of the Universe (marijuana sacrament) 
-*[[Juche]] +* Peyotism  
-*[[Mohism]] +* THC Ministry
-*[[Taoism]] +
-*[[Church of Virus|Virus, The Church of]]+
-===Various [[new religious movements]]===+==New religious movements==
''Religions founded since 1850 with small followings'' ''Religions founded since 1850 with small followings''
-*[[Ananda Marga]] +==='''Indigenous NRM's'''=== 
-*[[Anthroposophy]] +* Burkhanism  
-*[[Brianism]] +* Cargo cults  
-*[[Cargo cult|Cargo cults]] (e.g. [[Jon Frum]]) +* Ghost Dance  
-*[[Church Universal and Triumphant]] +* Native American Church
-*[[Eckankar]] +
-*[[Elan Vital]] +
-*[[Faithists of Kosmon]] +
-*[[Process Church|Process Church of the Final Judgement]] +
-*[[Rajneesh|Rajneeshism]] +
-*[[Sathya Sai Organisation]] +
-*The [[Unification Church]] (Moonies)+
 +==='''African Diaspora / Latin American NRM's'''===
 +* Rastafarianism
 +* Umbanda
 +* Candomble
-===Uncategorized religions=== +==='''Hindu-oriented NRM's'''=== 
-''These religions fail to be easily classified in the above categories''+* Sai Baba / Sathya Sai Baba  
 +* Hare Krishna  
 +* Transcendental Meditation  
 +* Sant Mat  
 +* Swaminarayan  
 +* Vedanta Society  
 +* Rajneeshism  
 +* Meher Baba (actually a Zoroastrian)
-*[[Peyotism]] +==='''NRM's with Islamic Roots'''=== 
-*[[Yezidis]] +* Subud  
-*[[Zoroastrianism]] +* Ahmadi  
-*[[Bön]] (Bön was completely independant until [[776]] [[CE]])+* [[Baha'i]] 
 +* Dances of Universal Peace  
 +* Said Nursi  
 +* Nation of Islam (Black Muslims)
-== Fictional religions =+==='''Christian-oriented NRM's'''=== 
-*[[Alvianism]] (''[[Sealab 2021]]'') +* Unification Church  
-*[[Amalgamated Church]] (''[[Futurama (animated series)|Futurama]]'') +* Jehovah's Witnesses  
-*[[Appliantology]] (the [[Frank Zappa]] album ''[[Joe's Garage]]''+* Adventism  
-*[[Avantism]] (the ''Harvest of Stars'' novels by [[Poul Anderson]]) +* Mormonism  
-*[[Bajor|Bajoran religion]] (The Way of the Prophets) (''[[Star Trek]]'') +* Jesus People  
-*[[Bokononism]] (''[[Cat's Cradle]]'' by [[Kurt Vonnegut]]) +* Children of God  
-*[[Children of the Son]] (''[[Star Trek]]'') +* People's Temple  
-*[[Church of All Worlds]] (''[[Stranger in a Strange Land]]'' by [[Robert A. Heinlein]]) +* Pentecostalism  
-*[[Church of Artificial Intelligence]] (''[[Otherworld]]'') +* Holiness movement
-*[[The Church of God the Utterly Indifferent]] (''[[The Sirens of Titan]]'' by [[Kurt Vonnegut]]) +
-*[[Church of the New Revelation]] (aka [[Fosterite Church]]) (''[[Stranger in a Strange Land]]'' by [[Robert A. Heinlein]]) +
-*[[Church of the Second Coming of the Great Prophet Zarquon]] (''[[The Restaurant at the End of the Universe]]'' by [[Douglas Adams]]) +
-*[[Church of the Shrike]] (''Hyperion'' by Dan Simmons) +
-*Church of [[Star Trek|Trek]] (''[[Futurama (animated series)|Futurama]]'') +
-*[[Cthulhu Mythos]] ([[H. P. Lovecraft]]) +
-*[[Feeders of Vaal]] (''[[Star Trek]]'') +
-*The First Church of the Flaming Sword [[Las Vegas]] (''[[Waiting for God]]'') +
-*[[Foundationism]] (''[[Babylon 5]]'') +
-*[[Global Standard Deity]] (the ''[[Thursday Next]]'' books by [[Jasper Fforde]]) +
-*[[Jedi]] (''[[Star Wars]]'') +
-*[[Klingon|Klingon religion]] (''[[Star Trek]]'') +
-*[[Mechanoid religion]], advocating life after deactivation, in [[Silicon Heaven]] (''[[Red Dwarf]]'') +
-*[[Mercerism]] (''[[Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?]]'' by Philip K. Dick) +
-*[[Mind Head]] (the [[Steve Martin]] movie ''[[Bowfinger]]'') +
-*Movementarianism ("The Joy of Sect" episode of ''[[The Simpsons]]'') +
-*"The Necromonger Way" (''[[The Chronicles of Riddick]]'') +
-*[[Nuggan]]ism ([[Terry Pratchett]]'s [[Discworld]]) +
-*[[Omnian]]ism ([[Terry Pratchett]]'s [[Discworld]]) +
-*[[Oprah Winfrey|Oprahism]] (''[[Futurama (animated series)|Futurama]]'') +
-*[[History Monks|Order of Wen the Eternally Surprised]] (''[[Discworld]]'') +
-*[[Robotology]] (''[[Futurama (animated series)|Futurama]]'') +
-*[[Selfosophy]] ("Jose Chung's Doomsday Defense" episode of ''[[Millennium]]''. Adherents would reject the idea that it was a religion, and that all dissenters would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of, but in full accordance with, the law.) +
-*[[Sith]] (''[[Star Wars]]'') +
-*[[Space Catholicism]] (''[[Futurama (animated series)|Futurama]]'') +
-*[[Wayism]] (''[[Andromeda (TV series)|Andromeda]]'')+
-==Forms of Religion== +==='''Buddhist-oriented NRM's'''=== 
-*[[Agnosticism]] +* Soka Gakkai  
-*[[Animism]] +* Won Buddhism  
-*[[Atheism]] +* Hoa Hao  
-*[[Ditheism]] ([[Dualism]]) +* Friends of the Western Buddhist Order
-*[[Henotheism]] +
-**[[Monolatrism]] +
-*[[Humanism]] +
-**[[Secular Humanism]] +
-*[[Kathenotheism]] +
-*[[Maltheism]] +
-*[[Monism]] +
-*[[Monotheism]] +
-*[[Panentheism]] +
-*[[Pantheism]] +
-**[[Cosmotheism]] +
-*[[Polytheism]] +
-*[[Shamanism]] +
-*[[Suitheism]] +
-==Nonsectarian and trans-sectarian religious movements and practices== +==='''Chinese-oriented NRM's'''=== 
-===[[Esotericism]]=== +* I-Kuan Tao  
-*[[Alchemy]] +* Falun Gong
-*[[Freemasonry]] +
-*[[Gnosticism]] +
-*[[Kabbalah]] +
-*[[Occultism]] +
-*[[Rosicrucian]] +
-**[[Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis]] +
-**[[Confraternity of the Rose Cross]] +
-**[[Rosicrucian Fellowship]]+
-===[[Mysticism]]=== +==='''Japanese-oriented NRM's'''=== 
-*[[Christian mysticism]]  +* Tenrikyo  
-**[[Gnosticism]] +* Seicho no Ie  
-*[[Hindu mysticism]] +* Johrei or Reiki  
-**[[Tantra]] +* Oomoto  
-**[[Yoga]] +* Soka Gakkai  
-**[[Bhakti yoga|Bhakti]] +* Aum Shinrikyo
-**[[Vedanta]] +
-*[[Martinism]] +
-*[[Meditation]] +
-*[[Kabbalah]]  +
-*[[Spirituality]] +
-*[[Sufism]] +
-===[[Magic (religion)]]=== +==='''Korean-oriented NRM's'''=== 
-*[[Astrology]] +* Chondogyo  
-*[[Divination]] +* Unification Church
-**[[Prophecy]] +
-*[[Exorcism]] +
-*[[Faith healing]] +
-*[[Feng Shui]] +
-*[[Vaastu Shastra]] <small>([[Hinduism]])</small> +
-*[[Magick]] +
-**[[Chaos magick]] +
-**[[Enochian magick]] +
-**[[Grimoire magick]] +
-**[[Goetic magick]] +
-*[[Miracle]]s +
-*[[Seid (shamanic magic)]] +
-===[[Ritual]]ism=== +==='''Vietnamese-oriented NRM's'''=== 
-*[[Prayer]] +* Caodaism  
-*[[Sacrifice]] +* Hoa Hao
-**[[Animal sacrifice]] +
-**[[Human sacrifice]] +
-===Organizations promoting [[Ecumenism]]=== +==='''White Supremacist Religions'''=== 
-* [http://www.interfaith.org/default.asp Interfaith.org] a cooperative association of organizations and clergy persons who have joined together to establish a greater spiritual presence on the World Wide Web.  +* Church of Jesus Christ Christian  
-* [[Dances of Universal Peace]]  +* Covenant of the Sword and the Arm of the Lord  
-* [[Sathya Sai Baba|Sathya Sai Organisation]]  +* World Church of the Creator ( Creativity Movement
-* The [[Inter-Religious Organisation]] (IRO+* Church of the American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan [http://www.adl.org/backgrounders/american_knights_kkk.asp]
-* [[Temple of Understanding]] +
-* [[simplified kundalini yoga ]] an organisation founded by Vethathiri maharishi to establish world peace and happiness.+
-==See also==+===''' Alien-based religions '''=== 
 +*The Aetherius Society [http://www.aetherius.org/index.html] 
 +* Raelism  
 +* [[Scientology]]  
 +** Church of Scientology  
 +** Free Zone  
 +* Unarius society ( Unarius Academy of Science ) [http://www.unarius.org/start.html] 
 +* Urantia, Book of
-* [[List of organizations]] +==='''Other NRM's'''=== 
-* [[List of religious organizations]] +* Anthroposophy  
-* [[New religious movement]]s +* Aum Shinrikyo ( Aleph ) 
-* [[List of purported cults]] +* Baluan Native Christian United Church  
-* [[List of people by belief]] +* Breatharianism (Air cult) 
-* [[Sacred text]] +* Brianism  
-* [[Mythology]]+* Christian Fellowship Church of New Georgia  
 +* Church Universal and Triumphant  
 +* Eckankar  
 +* Elan Vital  
 +* Faithists of Kosmon  
 +* Juche (The personality cult of North Korean leaders) 
 +* Order of the Solar Temple  
 +* Process Church|Process Church of the Final Judgement  
 +* Purtillology  
 +* Racist religions 
 +* Sathya Sai Organisation  
 +** Kardecist Spiritism  
 +* Subud  
 +* Tuka Movement  
 +*The Unification Church (Moonies) 
 +* Church of Virus 
 +* Yoism
-==References==+==Parody or mock religions== 
 +''Groups that poke fun at other religions or religion in general'' 
 +* [[Church of the SubGenius]] (The cult of [[Bob Dobbs]]) 
 +* [[Discordianism]] (The Cult of [[Eris]], the Goddess of Chaos) 
 +* Church of Bill Nye The Science Guy  
 +* Church of God the Utterly Indifferent  
 +*Elvis religions 
 +** Church of Jesus Christ Elvis  
 +** The First Preslyterian Church of Elvis the Divine [http://www.geocities.com/presleyterian_church/home.html] 
 +*Fictional religions turned Parody 
 +** Bokononism  
 +** Jedi census movement  
 +* The First Church of the Last Laugh [http://www.saintstupid.com/] 
 +* Invisible Pink Unicorn  
 +* Kibology  
 +* Landover Baptist Church  
 +* Universal Church of Google  
 +* Roshambo (religion)|Roshambo  
 +* Shatnerology  
 +*Text editor religions 
 +** Church of Emacs  
 +** Cult of Vi  
 +** First Church of Pac-Man [http://www.flamingmayo.com/firstchurchofpacman/]
-* Wikipedia (2004). [http://www.wikipedia.org/List_of_religions List of religions]. Retrieved Oct. 18, 2004.+==Nonsectarian and trans-sectarian religious movements and practices== 
 +=== Mysticism === 
 +* Christian mysticism  
 +* [[Hinduism]]  
 +** [[Tantra]]  
 +** [[Yoga]]  
 +** [[Bhakti yoga]]  
 +** Vedanta  
 +* [[Kabbalah]] (also part of [[Judaism]]) 
 +* [[Martinism]]  
 +* [[Meditation]]  
 +* [[Spirituality]]  
 +* Ananda Marga  
 +* [[Sufism]]  
 +* [[Theosophy]]  
 +==Forms of religion== 
 +* [[Agnosticism]]  
 +* [[Animism]]  
 +* [[Atheism]]  
 +* [[Ditheism]] ( Dualism ) 
 +* [[Henotheism]]  
 +** [[Monolatrism]]  
 +* [[Humanism]]  
 +** [[Secular Humanism]]  
 +* [[Kathenotheism]]  
 +* [[Maltheism]] 
 +* [[Monism]]  
 +* [[Monotheism]]  
 +*[[Monistic Theism]] 
 +* [[Panentheism]]  
 +* [[Pantheism]]  
 +** [[Cosmotheism]]  
 +* [[Polytheism]]  
 +* [[Shamanism]]  
 +* [[Suitheism]]  
==External links== ==External links==
Line 454: Line 504:
*[http://www.sacred-texts.com Sacred Texts] *[http://www.sacred-texts.com Sacred Texts]
-[[Category:Religions]]+*Adapted from: Wikipedia. (2005). ''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_religions List of Religions]''. Retrieved June 11, 2005. 
 + [[Category:Religion]]

Current revision

Part of the Thelema & Religion series

The following is a list of religions. Note that the classification hereunder is only one of several possible. This system uses a filter system for categorization. A group will be listed in a category as close to the top of the page as the definitions for the category allow. Even if multiple definitions are applicable a religion will only be listed once. The definition of religion for this page is fairly liberal.

Table of contents

Magical / Esoteric

Abrahamic religions

Believers in One God also called classical monotheism.





Dharmic religions

Religions with a concept of Dharma, also major religions of historical India




Other revealed religions

These are broadly similar to Abrahamic religions in scope and nature, but follow a separate history of prophesy and belief

Indigenous religions

The orally transmitted canon of indigenous peoples, many involving some variant of animism and most defunct

African religions

European religions

Asian religions

Native American religions

Northern indigenous religions

Oceanic religions


Modern religions seeking to recreate indigenous, usually pre-Christian, beliefs and practices


Non-revealed religions

Philosophies not transmitted by a divine prophet

Left-Hand Path religions

The ultimate goal is separating consciousness from the universe, rather than being absorbed by it

Syncretic religions

Faiths created from blending earlier religions or that consider all or some religions to be essentially the same

Entheogen religions

Religions based around divinely inspiring substances

New religious movements

Religions founded since 1850 with small followings

Indigenous NRM's

African Diaspora / Latin American NRM's

Hindu-oriented NRM's

NRM's with Islamic Roots

Christian-oriented NRM's

Buddhist-oriented NRM's

Chinese-oriented NRM's

Japanese-oriented NRM's

Korean-oriented NRM's

Vietnamese-oriented NRM's

White Supremacist Religions

Alien-based religions

Other NRM's

Parody or mock religions

Groups that poke fun at other religions or religion in general

Nonsectarian and trans-sectarian religious movements and practices


Forms of religion

External links
