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Christian Bible

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-The '''Bible''' is the primary sacred scripture of both the [[Judaism|Jewish]] and [[Christianity|Christian]] religions. These scriptures are compilations of what were originally separate documents (called "books") written over a long period of time. The first selection, which later formed the Jewish Bible (Tanakh) consisted of 39 books. Later additions after the birth of Jesus made up the New Testament made up of 27 Books.+{{religion}} 
 +The '''Bible''' is the primary sacred scripture of both the [[Judaism|Jewish]] and [[Christianity|Christian]] religions. These scriptures are compilations of what were originally separate documents (called "books") written over a long period of time. The first selection, which later formed the Jewish Bible (Tanakh) consisted of 39 books, and falls into three sections: The Law (Torah), The Prophets (Neviim), and The Writings (Ketuvim or Hagiographa). The Christian Bible reordered much of the Tanakh and added a few more books, calling it the Old Testament. Later additions after the birth of Jesus (27 Books) make up the New Testament.
==Structure of the Bible== ==Structure of the Bible==
 +The Hebrew Tanakh and the Christian Old Testament are largely the same except in order, although some versions of the OT include books that the Tanakh doesn’t. This article focuses on the Christian Bible (see [[Hebrew Bible|Tanakh]] for more on the Hebrew Bible). The canonical list of the Books of the Bible differs between Jews, Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox, even though there is a great deal of overlap.
The general structure of the Bible, including all the various components are: The general structure of the Bible, including all the various components are:
-*The Old Testament (or Septuagint) +'''The Old Testament or Septuagint''' 
-**Tanakh +*'''Pentateuch ''' 
-***The Torah (or Pentateuch) +**Genesis – Exodus – Leviticus – Numbers - Deuteronomy 
-***The Prophets (Neviim) +*'''Historical books''' 
-***The Writings (Ketuvim or Hagiographa) +**Joshua – Judges – Ruth - 1 Samuel - 2 Samuel - 1 Kings - 2 Kings - 1 Chronicles - 2 Chronicles - Ezra - 1 Esdras - Nehemiah - Tobit - Judith - Esther - 1 Maccabees - 2 Maccabees - 3 Maccabees - 4 Maccabees 
-*The New Testament +*'''Wisdom books''' 
-**The Gospels +**Job – Psalms – Odes – Proverbs - Ecclesiastes - Song of Solomon - Wisdom – Sirach - Psalms of Solomon 
-**Acts (History of the Apostles) +*'''Major prophets''' 
-**Epistles (Letters to Christian churches) +**Isaiah – Jeremiah – Lamentations – Baruch - Letter of Jeremiah - Ezekiel - Daniel 
-**The Book of Revelation +*'''Minor prophets''' 
-*Deuterocanomical books ("second canon") +**Hosea – Joel – Amos – Obadiah – Jonah – Micah – Nahum – Habakkuk – Zephaniah – Haggai – Zechariah - Malachi
-*Apocrypha (non-canonical) +
-**Nag Hamaddi Library +
-**Dead Sea Scrolls+
-==Overview== +'''The New Testament''' 
-The Jewish, or Hebrew Bible, consists of the five books of [[Moses]] (the [[Torah]] or Pentateuch), a section called "Prophets" (Neviim), and a third section called "Writings" (also Ketuvim or Hagiographa). The term "Tanakh" is a Hebrew acronym formed from these three names. Though the Hebrew Bible is predominantly in Biblical Hebrew, it has some small portions in Biblical Aramaic.+*'''The Gospels''' 
 +**Matthew - Mark - Luke - John 
 +*'''History of the Apostles''' 
 +**''(The Letters of Paul)'' Romans - 1 Corinthians - 2 Corinthians - Galatians – Ephesians – Philippians – Colossians – 1 Thessalonians - 2 Thessalonians - 1 Timothy - 2 Timothy – Titus - Philemon 
 +**''(The General Letters)'' Hebrews – James - 1 Peter - 2 Peter - 1 John - 2 John - 3 John - Jude 
-The Christian Bible contains the entirety of the Septuagint (Greek translation of the Jewish scriptures from the second century B.C., called by Christians the Old Testament), along with a set of later writings known as the New Testament. Most Protestants omit some of these works, roughly following the second century A.D. Jewish canon called the Tanakh, but with some reorderings. Within Christianity, there is not complete agreement on what the Christian Bible contains, that is, on the Biblical canon. However, this only extends to a few books—there is no dispute as to the majority of books of the Bible.+See also: [[Deuterocanomical books]] ("second canon"), [[Apocrypha]] (non-canonical), [[Nag Hammadi Library]], [[Dead Sea Scrolls]]
-The various books of the New Testament were written in koine Greek. Early Christian Bibles used texts of the Old Testament dependent on the Greek Septuagint, which differs in places from the primarily Hebrew Masoretic text. Most modern translations of the Old Testament are based primarily on the Masoretic text. Some modern editions of the Old Testament also adopt different readings found in the [[Dead Sea Scrolls]]. +==The Old Testament==
-'''Synopsis:''' The Hebrew scriptures of the Bible—portions of which contain stories traditionally held to be historical accounts of much of the early history of the Hebrew Nation—teach that there is one God, Jehovah, "Creator of Heaven and Earth" who created Man "in his own image", and details the relationship between Man and his Creator. +The Hebrew scriptures of the Bible—portions of which contain stories traditionally held to be historical accounts of much of the early history of the Hebrew Nation—teach that there is one God, [[Jehovah]], "Creator of Heaven and Earth" who created Man "in his own image", and details the relationship between Man and his Creator.
-For Christians, the Bible continues—with the advent of [[Jesus Christ]]—the story begun in the Hebrew scriptures, and is both a primary source of religious doctrine and a foundation for their spiritual beliefs. Some religious sects, notably, several of the Protestant Christian sects, believe the Bible to be the ultimate and authoritative guide in all spiritual matters, by a principle referred to as sola scriptura.+The Old Testament has as many as 52 Books, depending on which version you look at, and is also called the Septuagint—Greek translation of the Jewish scriptures from the second century B.C. Most Protestants omit some of these works, roughly following the second century A.D. Jewish canon called the Tanakh, but with some re-orderings. Within Christianity, there is not complete agreement on what the Christian Bible contains, that is, on the Biblical canon. However, this only extends to a few books—there is no dispute as to the majority of books of the Bible.
-==Definition of Biblical terms== +The relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament is not fully agreed upon among Christians. The degree to which the Old Testament and its laws applies to Christians is disputed. Very few Christians, for example, follow the dietary laws within the Old Testament, whereas almost all Christians believe that the [[Ten Commandments]] are applicable.
-The English word "Bible" means "book of books" (from the Greek word for "books", ''biblia:''  +
-'' '''βιβλια''' '' ). A book of the Bible is an established group of writings. For example, the book of Psalms consists of 150 songs (151 in the Septuagint), while the book of Jude is a half-page letter. ''Canon'' refers to the accepted books of the Bible differentiated from other sacred writings not accepted as part of the canon, which are not accepted as part of the Bible. Catholics and Orthodox call writings that they do not accept ''[[Apocrypha]]''; Protestants call those writings they do not accept but that Catholics and Orthodox do Apocrypha or Deuterocanonical, and call other writings that neither accepts Pseudepigrapha. The ''Protestant Bible'' consists of 66 books. The Roman Catholic version, including the Deuterocanonical books, counts altogether 76 books, while the Eastern Orthodox version includes 77 or 78. (4 Maccabees is sometimes included in an appendix, sometimes not.)+
-==Description of the Bible== +The New Testament contains many references to, and quotes from, the Old Testament, especially in relation to the fulfillment of prophecies concerning the promised messiah, whom Christians believe to be [[Jesus Christ]]. In Christian theological views, this expectation, present fulfillment and eschatological fulfillment of the divine, eternal kingdom under the headship of Jesus are the thread running through both Testaments.
-Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) is divided into 3 sections, the Law (Torah), the Prophets, the Writings. The translated, modified and re-ordered version of the Hebrew Bible is called the Old Testament in the Christian Bible. The Christian Bible includes the Old Testament plus the New Testament, which chronicles the doings of Jesus and the reaction to them. The New Testament is divided into the four Gospels, History (Acts of the Apostles), the Letters to Christian churches by Paul and other apostles, and the Book of Revelation.+
 +===The Pentateuch===
-==Bible Canon—Which books are biblical?==+The Pentateuch, Greek for "five containers", is the equivalent of the Hebrew [[Torah]], is a Hebrew word meaning teaching, instruction, or especially Law. The Torah does not contain a complete and ordered system of legislature, but rather, a general philosophical basis, and a great number of specific laws, including the [[Ten Commandments]]. These laws are often reminiscent of the existing customs in the ancient middle east, but have important conceptual variations from them.
-In addition to the diverse traditions concerning which books belong in the Canon of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Bible, modern scholarship proposes alternative views concerning the authenticity of books, and of texts within books. +The book of Deuteronomy is different from the previous books; thus sometimes the first four books of the Bible are known as the Tetrateuch. The first six books of the Bible as a unit (The Pentateuch immediately followed by the book of Joshua) is sometimes referred to as the Hexateuch, as the book of Joshua picks up directly where Deuteronomy leaves off.
-==Biblical versions and translations== +==The New Testament==
-In scholarly writing, ancient translations are frequently referred to as 'versions', with the term 'translation' being reserved for medieval or modern translations. Information about Bible versions is given below, while Bible translations can be found on a separate page.+
-===Tanakh=== +The New Testament, sometimes called the Greek Scriptures, is the name given to the part of the Christian Bible that was written after the birth of [[Jesus Christ]]. The term is a translation of the Latin ''Novum Testamentum'', meaning "The New Covenant" or Testament. It was originally used by early Christians to describe their relationship with God and later to designate a particular collection of 27 books. For Christians, the NT is both a primary source of religious doctrine and a foundation for their spiritual beliefs. Some religious sects, notably, several of the Protestant Christian sects, believe the Bible to be the ultimate and authoritative guide in all spiritual matters, by a principle referred to as ''sola scriptura''.
-The oldest books of the Bible are the Pentateuch, also known as the Torah. They are written in Hebrew and are also titled the 'Books of Moses'. Traditionally Judaism and Christianity held that these books were actually written by the prophet Moses, but many today believe that the current form of the Torah came about by a redactor bringing together several earlier, distinct sources. This idea is called the ''documentary hypothesis''.+
-In addition to the Torah, as noted above, the Jewish scriptures include the Nevi'im ("prophets") and the Ketuvim ("writings"), the combined collection being designated by the Hebrew acronym "Tanakh".+The earliest of the books of the New Testament was 1 Thessalonians, an epistle of Paul, written probably 51, or possibly Galatians in 49 according to one of two theories of its writing. Of the pseudepigraphical epistles, critical scholars tend to place them somewhere between 70 and 150, with 2 Peter usually being the latest.
-The original text of the Tanakh was in Hebrew, with some portions in Aramaic. From the 800s to the 1400s rabbinic Jewish scholars known as the Masoretes compared the text of all known Biblical manuscripts, in an effort to create a unified and standardized text; a series of highly similar texts eventually emerged, and any of these texts are known as Masoretic Texts (MT). The Masoretes also added vowel points (called nikud) to the text, since the original text only contained consonants. This sometimes required the selection of an interpretation, since words can differ only in their vowels, and thus the text can vary depending upon the choice of vowels to be inserted. In antiquity there were other variant readings which were popular, some of which have survived in the Samaritan Pentateuch, the Dead Sea scrolls, and other ancient fragments, as well as being attested in ancient translations to other languages.+In the first three centuries of the Christian Church, there was no New Testament canon that was universally recognized. Nevertheless, by the 2nd century there was a common collection of letters and gospels that a majority of church leaders considered authoritative. These contained the four gospels and many of the letters of Paul. The New Testament canon as it is now was first listed by St. Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, in 367, in a letter written to his churches in Egypt. That canon gained wider and wider recognition until it was accepted by all at the Third Council of Carthage in 397. Even this council did not settle the matter, however. Certain books continued to be questioned, especially James and Revelation. Even as late as the 16th century, theologian and reformer Martin Luther questioned (but in the end did not reject) the Epistle of James.
-By the beginning of the common era, most Jews no longer spoke Hebrew, but spoke Greek or Aramaic instead. Thus they made translations or paraphrases into these languages. The most important of the translations into the Greek was the Septuagint, though other translations were made as well. The Septuagint contains several additional passages, and whole additional books, compared to what was eventually compiled as the masoretic texts. In some cases these additions were originally composed in Greek, while in other cases they are translations of Hebrew books or variants that the Masoretes did not accept. Recent discoveries have shown that more of the Septuagint additions have a Hebrew origin than was once thought. While there are no surviving manuscripts of the Hebrew text on which the Septuagint was based, many scholars believe that it was a different textual tradition than the one that eventually became the basis for the Masoretic texts.+==The Bible and Thelema==
-The Jews also produced non-literal translations or paraphrases known as targums, primarily in Aramaic. They frequently expanded on the text with additional details taken from Jewish oral tradition.+[[Aleister Crowley]] had grown up on the Bible, which resulted in many quotes and references to it running throughout his major works, including ''[[The Book of the Law]]''. He writes of the Bible in ''Confessions: ''
-Early Christians produced translations of the Hebrew Bible into several languages; their biblical text was the Septuagint, which was translated by a number of Jews into Greek over several decades starting in the second century B.C.E. Translations were made into Syriac, Coptic and Latin, among other languages. The Latin translations were historically the most important to the Church in the West, while in the Greek-speaking East, they continued to use the Septuagint translation of the Old Testament and had no need to translate the New Testament.+:''I did not hate God or Christ, but merely the God and Christ of the people whom I hated. It was only when the development of my logical faculties supplied the demonstration that I was compelled to set myself in opposition to the Bible itself. It does not matter that the literature is sometimes magnificent and that in isolated passages the philosophy and ethics are admirable. The sum of the matter is that Judaism is a savage, and Christianity a fiendish, superstition.'' (p.72)
-The earliest Latin translation was the Old Latin text, or Vetus Latina. Exactly who translated it is unknown, but internal evidence suggests it is the product of several authors over a period of time. It was based on the Septuagint, and thus included the Septuagint additions.+Nevertheless, he often employed aspects of the Bible. As Dionysos Thriambos points out in his essay, "The Utility of the Bible to the Student of Thelema," anyone familiar with ''The Book of the Law'' will recognize certain Biblical passages, such as:
-As a translation the Old Latin was far from ideal, and so Jerome was commissioned to produce the Vulgate translation as a replacement. Jerome based his translation on the Hebrew rather than the Septuagint. He was of the opinion that the Septuagint additions were of doubtful value, but he included them due to the demands of the church. He did not, however, translate the additional books anew; the Vulgate for these books is identical to the Old Latin. The Vulgate became the official translation of the Roman Catholic church.+*"Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."—Matthew 10:16, (see AL I:57) 
 +*"He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still."— Revelation 22:11 (see AL II:57)
-===New Testament=== +And the Greek for Will ([[Thelema]], Θελημα) appears about forty times in the New Testament. Dionysos Thriambos explains:
-The majority of scholars believe the New Testament was originally composed in Greek. There are a number of different textual traditions of the New Testament. The three main traditions are sometimes called the Western text-type, the Alexandrian text-type, and Byzantine text-type, and together they comprise the majority of New Testament manuscripts. There are also several ancient translations into other languages, most important of which are the Syriac (including the Peshitta and the Diatessaron gospel harmony) and the Latin (both the Vetus Latina and the Vulgate).+
-A minority of scholars believe the Greek New Testament is actually a translation of an Aramaic original. Of these, some accept the so called "Syriac" Peshitta as the original, while others take a more critical approach to reconstructing the original text. For more on this view, see Aramaic primacy.+:This word is of a particular, Biblical provenance. The Greek New Testament has forty instances of the word Θελημα, of which 32 refer to divine will, and seven refer to human will—although three of these are the will of a figure representing Jesus' "Father" in a parable. One single instance in II Timothy 2:26 is noteworthy for describing the Θελημα of "the devil."
-The earliest critical edition of the New Testament is the 'Textus Receptus' (Latin for 'received text') compiled by the humanist Desiderius Erasmus. It is largely Byzantine in character. The Textus Receptus was for many centuries the standard critical edition of the New Testament, only losing that position after the discovery of manuscripts such as the Codex Sinaiticus and the Codex Vaticanus. There are some who believe that many or all of the changes introduced by later critical editions are incorrect, and that the Textus Receptus is still the best critical edition available. A similar but distinct argument is sometimes made for the Majority Text.+:In fact, the word Θελημα occurs in one of the best-known gospel passages, the only actual invocation prescribed by Jesus, the "Lord's Prayer," as it appears in Matthew 6:10, "Thy kingdom come. Thy will (Θελημα) be done in earth, as it is in heaven." Crowley wrote two updated versions of that prayer, in ''The Book of Lies'' chapters 2 and 44. In each case, "Thy will is done" is included to indicate transcendence of the earlier formula.
-===Chapters and verses === +Crowley mentions the Bible as a useful text for Thelemites. He lists it in the [[A.'.A.'.]] reading curriculum, describing it as “The Bible, by various authors unknown. The Hebrew and Greek Originals are of Qabalistic value. It contains also many magical apologues, and recounts many tales of folk-lore and magical rites” (Book 4).
-The masoretic Hebrew text contains verse endings as an important feature. According to the Jewish talmudic tradition, the verse endings are of ancient origin. The masoretic textual tradition also contains section endings called ''parashiyot'', which are indicated by a space within a line (a "closed" section") or a new line beginning (an "open" section). The division of the text reflected in the ''parashiyot'' is usually thematic. The ''parashiyot'' are not numbered. +
- +
-In early manuscripts (most importantly in Tiberian masoretic manuscripts such as the Aleppo codex) an "open" section may also be represented by a blank line, and a "closed" section by a new line that is slightly indented (the preceding line may also not be full). These latter conventions are no longer used in Torah scrolls and printed Hebrew Bibles. In this system, the one rule differentiating "open" and "closed" sections is that "open" sections must ''always'' begin at the beginning of a new line, while "closed" sections ''never'' start at the beginning of a new line. +
- +
-Another related feature of the masoretic text is the division of the ''sedarim''. This division is not thematic, but is rather almost entirely based upon the ''quantity'' of text. +
- +
-The Byzantines also introduced a chapter division of sorts, called ''Kephalaia''. It is not identical to the present chapters. +
- +
-The current division of the Bible into chapters, however, and the verse numbers within the chapters, have no basis in any ancient textual tradition. Rather, they are medieval Christian inventions. They were later adopted by the Jews too as technical references within the Hebrew text. Such technical references became crucial to medieval rabbis in the historical context of forced debates with Christian clergy (who used the chapter and verse numbers), especially in late medieval Spain. Chapter divisions were first used by Jews in a 1330 manuscript, and for a printed edition in 1516. However, for the past generation most Jewish editions of the complete Hebrew Bible have made a systematic effort to relegate chapter and verse numbers to the margins of the text. +
- +
-The division of the Bible into chapters and verses has often elicited severe criticism (from both traditionalists and modern scholars alike). Critics charge that the text is often divided into chapters in an incoherent way, or at inappropriate points within the narrative, and that it encourages citing passages out of context, in effect turning the Bible into a kind of textual quarry for clerical citations. Nevertheless, even the critics admit that the chapter divisions and verse numbers have become indispensable as technical references for Bible study. +
- +
-Stephen Langton is reputed to have been the first person to put the chapter divisions into a Vulgate edition of the Bible in 1205. They came into the Greek manuscripts of the New Testament in the 1400s. Robert Estienne (Robert Stephanus) was the first to number the verses within each chaper; his verse numbers entered printed editions in 1565 (New Testament) and 1571 (Hebrew Bible).[http://www.fuller.edu/ministry/berean/chs_vss.htm][http://www.theexaminer.org/history/chap6.htm] +
- +
-== Biblical interpretation== +
- +
-A wealth of additional stories and legends amplifying the accounts in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) can be found in the Jewish genre of rabbinical exegesis known as Midrash.  +
- +
-Throughout antiquity and the medieval periods, allegorical methods of interpretation were popular. The earliest use of these was probably Philo Judaeus, who attempted to make Jewish halakah palatable to the Greek mind by interpreting it as symbolising philosophical doctrines. Allegorical interpretation was adopted by Christians, and continued in popularity until a reaction against it during the Reformation, and it has not since found much favour in Western Christianity. +
- +
-The Eastern Orthodox Church generally follows a patristic method of interpretation, attempting to interpret scripture in the same way that the early church fathers did. It also interprets scripture liturgically. This means that the passages that are publicly read on certain days of the liturgical year are significant, especially on feast days, and are intended to guide people in their interpretation as they are praying together. Since it was members of the Church who wrote the New Testament and a series of church councils that decided the biblical canon, the Orthodox believe that the Church should also be the final authority in its interpretation. This often includes allegorical interpretations. +
- +
-==The Bible and history== +
-The absence of independent evidence confirming some of the biblical narratives has caused some scholars to question the accuracy or even the historicity of these accounts. For instance, many historians view the Biblical patriarchs, Moses, King David, and King Solomon as little more than legendary figures, though possibly based on historical events and persons. Today there are two loosely defined schools of thought with regard to the historicity of the Bible (biblical minimalism and biblical maximalism) with many in between, in addition to the traditional religious reading of the Bible. +
- +
-Several professors of archeology claim that many stories in the Old Testament, including important chronicles about Abraham, [[Moses]], Solomon, and others, were actually made up for the first time by scribes hired by King Josiah (7th century BCE) in order to rationalize monotheistc belief in [[Yahweh]]. Evidently, the neighboring countries that kept many written records, such as Egypt, Assyria, etc., have no writings about the stories of the Bible or its main characters before 650 BCE. +
==See also== ==See also==
Line 115: Line 94:
*[http://davies-linguistics.byu.edu/polyglot/ The Polyglot Bible] - allows the user to view parallel versions of the Bible in numerous ancient and modern languages. *[http://davies-linguistics.byu.edu/polyglot/ The Polyglot Bible] - allows the user to view parallel versions of the Bible in numerous ancient and modern languages.
*[http://www.ccel.org/bible_names/title.html "An Interpreting Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names"] - from ''Hitchcock's New and Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible'' *[http://www.ccel.org/bible_names/title.html "An Interpreting Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names"] - from ''Hitchcock's New and Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible''
==References== ==References==
-*Wikipedia. (2004). [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bible Bible]. Retrieved Sept. 28, 2004. +*Wikipedia. (2004) ''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bible Bible]''. Retrieved Sept. 22, 2004. 
-[[Category:Sacred Texts]]+*___. (2004) ''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentateuch Pentateuch]''. Retrieved Sept. 22, 2004. 
 +*___. (2004) ''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Books_of_the_Bible Books of the Bible]''. Retrieved Sept. 22, 2004. 
 +*___. (2004) ''[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Testament New Testament]''. Retrieved Sept. 22, 2004. 
 +*Crowley, Aleister. (1979). ''The Confessions of Aleister Crowley.'' London;Boston : Routledge & Kegan Paul. 
 +*___. (1997). ''Magick: Book 4.' 2nd ed. York Beach, Me. : S. Weiser. 
 +*Dionysos Thriambos. ''[http://www.hermetic.com/dionysos/bible.htm The Utility of the Bible to the Student of Thelema].'' Retrieved Sept. 22, 2004.  
 +[[Category:Religion]][[Category:Christianity]][[Category:Sacred Texts]]

Current revision

Part of the Thelema & Religion series

The Bible is the primary sacred scripture of both the Jewish and Christian religions. These scriptures are compilations of what were originally separate documents (called "books") written over a long period of time. The first selection, which later formed the Jewish Bible (Tanakh) consisted of 39 books, and falls into three sections: The Law (Torah), The Prophets (Neviim), and The Writings (Ketuvim or Hagiographa). The Christian Bible reordered much of the Tanakh and added a few more books, calling it the Old Testament. Later additions after the birth of Jesus (27 Books) make up the New Testament.

Table of contents

Structure of the Bible

The Hebrew Tanakh and the Christian Old Testament are largely the same except in order, although some versions of the OT include books that the Tanakh doesn’t. This article focuses on the Christian Bible (see Tanakh for more on the Hebrew Bible). The canonical list of the Books of the Bible differs between Jews, Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox, even though there is a great deal of overlap.

The general structure of the Bible, including all the various components are:

The Old Testament or Septuagint

The New Testament

See also: Deuterocanomical books ("second canon"), Apocrypha (non-canonical), Nag Hammadi Library, Dead Sea Scrolls

The Old Testament

The Hebrew scriptures of the Bible—portions of which contain stories traditionally held to be historical accounts of much of the early history of the Hebrew Nation—teach that there is one God, Jehovah, "Creator of Heaven and Earth" who created Man "in his own image", and details the relationship between Man and his Creator.

The Old Testament has as many as 52 Books, depending on which version you look at, and is also called the Septuagint—Greek translation of the Jewish scriptures from the second century B.C. Most Protestants omit some of these works, roughly following the second century A.D. Jewish canon called the Tanakh, but with some re-orderings. Within Christianity, there is not complete agreement on what the Christian Bible contains, that is, on the Biblical canon. However, this only extends to a few books—there is no dispute as to the majority of books of the Bible.

The relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament is not fully agreed upon among Christians. The degree to which the Old Testament and its laws applies to Christians is disputed. Very few Christians, for example, follow the dietary laws within the Old Testament, whereas almost all Christians believe that the Ten Commandments are applicable.

The New Testament contains many references to, and quotes from, the Old Testament, especially in relation to the fulfillment of prophecies concerning the promised messiah, whom Christians believe to be Jesus Christ. In Christian theological views, this expectation, present fulfillment and eschatological fulfillment of the divine, eternal kingdom under the headship of Jesus are the thread running through both Testaments.

The Pentateuch

The Pentateuch, Greek for "five containers", is the equivalent of the Hebrew Torah, is a Hebrew word meaning teaching, instruction, or especially Law. The Torah does not contain a complete and ordered system of legislature, but rather, a general philosophical basis, and a great number of specific laws, including the Ten Commandments. These laws are often reminiscent of the existing customs in the ancient middle east, but have important conceptual variations from them.

The book of Deuteronomy is different from the previous books; thus sometimes the first four books of the Bible are known as the Tetrateuch. The first six books of the Bible as a unit (The Pentateuch immediately followed by the book of Joshua) is sometimes referred to as the Hexateuch, as the book of Joshua picks up directly where Deuteronomy leaves off.

The New Testament

The New Testament, sometimes called the Greek Scriptures, is the name given to the part of the Christian Bible that was written after the birth of Jesus Christ. The term is a translation of the Latin Novum Testamentum, meaning "The New Covenant" or Testament. It was originally used by early Christians to describe their relationship with God and later to designate a particular collection of 27 books. For Christians, the NT is both a primary source of religious doctrine and a foundation for their spiritual beliefs. Some religious sects, notably, several of the Protestant Christian sects, believe the Bible to be the ultimate and authoritative guide in all spiritual matters, by a principle referred to as sola scriptura.

The earliest of the books of the New Testament was 1 Thessalonians, an epistle of Paul, written probably 51, or possibly Galatians in 49 according to one of two theories of its writing. Of the pseudepigraphical epistles, critical scholars tend to place them somewhere between 70 and 150, with 2 Peter usually being the latest.

In the first three centuries of the Christian Church, there was no New Testament canon that was universally recognized. Nevertheless, by the 2nd century there was a common collection of letters and gospels that a majority of church leaders considered authoritative. These contained the four gospels and many of the letters of Paul. The New Testament canon as it is now was first listed by St. Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, in 367, in a letter written to his churches in Egypt. That canon gained wider and wider recognition until it was accepted by all at the Third Council of Carthage in 397. Even this council did not settle the matter, however. Certain books continued to be questioned, especially James and Revelation. Even as late as the 16th century, theologian and reformer Martin Luther questioned (but in the end did not reject) the Epistle of James.

The Bible and Thelema

Aleister Crowley had grown up on the Bible, which resulted in many quotes and references to it running throughout his major works, including The Book of the Law. He writes of the Bible in Confessions:

I did not hate God or Christ, but merely the God and Christ of the people whom I hated. It was only when the development of my logical faculties supplied the demonstration that I was compelled to set myself in opposition to the Bible itself. It does not matter that the literature is sometimes magnificent and that in isolated passages the philosophy and ethics are admirable. The sum of the matter is that Judaism is a savage, and Christianity a fiendish, superstition. (p.72)

Nevertheless, he often employed aspects of the Bible. As Dionysos Thriambos points out in his essay, "The Utility of the Bible to the Student of Thelema," anyone familiar with The Book of the Law will recognize certain Biblical passages, such as:

And the Greek for Will (Thelema, Θελημα) appears about forty times in the New Testament. Dionysos Thriambos explains:

This word is of a particular, Biblical provenance. The Greek New Testament has forty instances of the word Θελημα, of which 32 refer to divine will, and seven refer to human will—although three of these are the will of a figure representing Jesus' "Father" in a parable. One single instance in II Timothy 2:26 is noteworthy for describing the Θελημα of "the devil."
In fact, the word Θελημα occurs in one of the best-known gospel passages, the only actual invocation prescribed by Jesus, the "Lord's Prayer," as it appears in Matthew 6:10, "Thy kingdom come. Thy will (Θελημα) be done in earth, as it is in heaven." Crowley wrote two updated versions of that prayer, in The Book of Lies chapters 2 and 44. In each case, "Thy will is done" is included to indicate transcendence of the earlier formula.

Crowley mentions the Bible as a useful text for Thelemites. He lists it in the A.'.A.'. reading curriculum, describing it as “The Bible, by various authors unknown. The Hebrew and Greek Originals are of Qabalistic value. It contains also many magical apologues, and recounts many tales of folk-lore and magical rites” (Book 4).

See also

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