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I do almost no ritual magick in this lifetime; it has become rather the “court of last resort.” My studies in this lifetime have concentrated primarily on causality and specifically the ability to actually invert the same systems traditionally used for divination and interpretation of causal trends (Tarot, Kabbalah, Gematria) to actively bias the probabilities rather than passively report on them. I have had successes, and am documenting. The root is physics and the systems can be described mathematically, so it may be a key to integrating science and magick. TBD. I do almost no ritual magick in this lifetime; it has become rather the “court of last resort.” My studies in this lifetime have concentrated primarily on causality and specifically the ability to actually invert the same systems traditionally used for divination and interpretation of causal trends (Tarot, Kabbalah, Gematria) to actively bias the probabilities rather than passively report on them. I have had successes, and am documenting. The root is physics and the systems can be described mathematically, so it may be a key to integrating science and magick. TBD.
<hr><b><center><i> The Word of the Law is &Theta;&Epsilon;&Lambda;&Eta;&Mu;&Alpha; </i></center></b><hr> <hr><b><center><i> The Word of the Law is &Theta;&Epsilon;&Lambda;&Eta;&Mu;&Alpha; </i></center></b><hr>

Current revision

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Keter (mailto:keter_magick@earthlink.net) is one of the magickal names of an autarkic (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/autarkic) magickian currently located near Austin, Texas (http://www.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=21203+Park+Drive,+Lago+Vista,+TX&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=35.90509,82.265625&ie=UTF8&z=17&ll=30.463716,-97.992951&spn=0.004772,0.013561&t=k&om=1). Keter also occasionally uses the magickal name Tzaddi.

About Keter

Born Sol 9°53'13” Gemini, Luna 28°57'01 Sagittarius, dies Mercurii, and with a completely intact magickal memory, I was adopted under extremely suspicious circumstances into a tiny family consisting of an invalid and prescription-addicted mother and elderly set of maternal grandparents and no extended family. The pertinent facts of this were that my grandfather was a leader of the inward aspect of a well-known fraternal order, my grandmother a spectacularly failed initiate, and my mother the predictably tragic result of the combination.

Because I was born a magickian, I did not realize that others were not like me and did things one can do with a really good magickal memory (like starting to read at an extremely early age without being taught, assuming visible god-forms, or picking up a properly-shaped stick, pronouncing it the Staff of the Magus, and proceeding to wield it as one), so I was promptly awarded the titles "the Beast" and "the Anti-Christ" by my grandmother, whose particular failure manifested as rabid and frequently violent fundamentalist Christianity. Let’s just say that things predictably went downhill from there and yielded the modern minimalist remix of a story you’ve heard before. (Somebody out there has one hell of a dry sense of humour and I’m afraid it’s me.)

I do almost no ritual magick in this lifetime; it has become rather the “court of last resort.” My studies in this lifetime have concentrated primarily on causality and specifically the ability to actually invert the same systems traditionally used for divination and interpretation of causal trends (Tarot, Kabbalah, Gematria) to actively bias the probabilities rather than passively report on them. I have had successes, and am documenting. The root is physics and the systems can be described mathematically, so it may be a key to integrating science and magick. TBD.


The Word of the Law is ΘΕΛΗΜΑ

About Tzaddi

Arisen Sol 20°05'24” Aries, Luna 10°47'12” Cancer, dies Jovis, the consciousness known as Tzaddi joined with and modified the born entity known as Keter. The two function seamlessly as one; at this point the division exists in recognition of the lesson and what it may mean in the future. The name ‘Tzaddi’ is actually a nickname based on a really, really bad joke (see ‘dry sense of humour,’ above).

Love is the Law, love under Will.