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Egyptian Godforms

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Revision as of 06:35, 18 Sep 2004
Ash (Talk | contribs)
Revision as of 14:29, 20 Sep 2004
Kaote (Talk | contribs)
Line 6: Line 6:
**Shu **Shu
**Tefnut, their children **Tefnut, their children
-***Nuit +***Nut 
-***Seb +***Geb 
-*Nephthys +*Nebt-het (Gk: Nephthys) 
-*Osiris +*Asar (Gk: Osiris) 
-*Isis+*Aset (Gk: Isis)
*Set *Set
===The Ogdoad=== ===The Ogdoad===
-The Ogdoad were the eight deities worshipped in the Egyptian city of Hermopolis. They were arranged in four male/female pairs: +The Ogdoad were the eight creator deities worshipped in the Egyptian city of Hermopolis. They were arranged in four male/female pairs:
-*Nu | Naunet +*Nu | Naunet (primordial waters) 
-*Amoun | Amaunet +*Amoun | Amaunet (potential for creation) 
-*Kuk | Kauket +*Kuk | Kauket (infinite darkness) 
-*Huh | Hauhet+*Huh | Hauhet (vast empty space)
===Other Important Egyptian Godforms=== ===Other Important Egyptian Godforms===
 +Egyptian and Greek names:
 +*Anpu (Gk: Anubis)
*Antaios *Antaios
*Anuket *Anuket
-*Apep+*Apep (Gk: Apophis)
*Apis *Apis
*Astarte *Astarte
*Aten *Aten
*Bast *Bast
*Bes *Bes
-*Harpocrates +*Hapi 
-*Hathor +*Het-heru (Gk: Hathor) 
-*Heru +*Heru (Gk: Horus) 
-*Horus+*Hoor-par-Kraat (Gk: Harpocrates)
*Kephra *Kephra
*Khonsu *Khonsu
*Maat *Maat
*Neith *Neith
*Nut *Nut
*Ptah *Ptah
-*Sebek (Sobek) +*Sebek 
*Sekhmet *Sekhmet
 +*Tawaret (Gk: Thoueris) 
 +*Tehuti (Gk: Thoth)
*Tum *Tum

Revision as of 14:29, 20 Sep 2004

The Ennead

The Ennead were the nine most important gods and goddesses worshipped in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis.

The Ogdoad

The Ogdoad were the eight creator deities worshipped in the Egyptian city of Hermopolis. They were arranged in four male/female pairs:

Other Important Egyptian Godforms

Egyptian and Greek names: