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The Blue Topaz

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Adityanath (Talk | contribs)
Revision as of 00:00, 15 Jan 2005
Adityanath (Talk | contribs)
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-'''The Blue Topaz''' is a banishing ritual written by Frater Shimon HaNotzah in 1986. It was originally published in ''Early Warning'', a quarterly journal published by ''Rising Aeon Camp'', [[O.T.O.]] 
-==The Blue Topaz Ritual== 
-Let the magician, facing east, in the center of the circle, formulate the cross using the [[wand mudra]], as follows: 
-:touching forehead, vibrate: [[Abrahadabra|ABRAHADABRA]]; 
-:pointing to earth, vibrate: [[NUBTI]]; 
-:to the right shoulder, vibrate: [[Thelema|THELEMA]]; 
-:to the left shoulder, vibrate: [[Agape|AGAPE]]; 
-:clasping his hands, vibrate: [[NEMA]].  
-Let him then formulate the circle, imagining strongly a [[pentagram]], aright, on his forehead. Let him fling it forth, to each quarter in turn, making the [[sign of Horus]], and vibrating the appropriate name. After each, let him retire his hand in the [[sign of Silence]]. 
-:to the east: [[Heru|HERU]]; 
-:to the north: [[Nuit|NU]]; 
-:to the west: [[MAAT]]; 
-:to the south: [[HAD]].  
-Let him then, facing east, invoke the [[Angel of the Aeon]], giving the signs of Nu (sweeping the arms from the sides up into the position of Isis Rejoicing), Maat (bringing the heels of the hands together with the fingers outspread at the throat), Heru (palms cupped together at chest), and Had (for men, the ithyphallic sign of Min; for women, the sign of the goddess Auramoth). This is to be done in a single motion, while vibrating the name: 
-:[[HE-RU-RA-HA]] !  
-Let him then invoke the guardians of the quarters, and following the "AHA" let him give the Sign of Wisdom (bringing the hands together as if holding a cup, raise the cup heavenward as if saluting the sky, slowly bring the hands toward the lips as if taking a sip from the cup, while taking one step backwards): 
-:Before me, [[HERU-MACHIS]] 
-:Behind me, [[HERU-AMOUN]] 
-:To my right, [[HERU-MENTU]] 
-:To my left, [[HERU-KHONSU]] 
-::[[AHA]] ! 
-:Within me flames the Star of Five, 
-:the star of Silence and of Strength, 
-:And in the midst, the Sphere of Six, 
-:where the sun of midnight is ever the son.  
-Let him complete the ritual, again formulating the cross using the [[wand mudra]], as follows: 
-:touching forehead, vibrate: [[Abrahadabra|ABRAHADABRA]]; 
-:pointing to earth, vibrate: [[IPSOS]]; 
-:to the right shoulder, vibrate: [[Thelema|THELEMA]]; 
-:to the left shoulder, vibrate: [[Agape|AGAPE]]; 
-:clasping his hands, vibrate: [[SUNODEA]]. 
-* HaNotzah, Shimon. [http://www.egnu.org/writings/simon/btanalysis.mhtml An Analysis of the Blue Topaz]. Retrieved Oct. 19, 2004. 
-* HaNotzah, Shimon. [http://www.egnu.org/rites/banishings/topaz.mhtml The Blue Topaz]. Retreived Oct. 19, 2004. 

Revision as of 00:00, 15 Jan 2005