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Egyptian Godforms

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Revision as of 11:20, 23 Sep 2004
Frater DVV (Talk | contribs)
Revision as of 11:29, 23 Sep 2004
Frater DVV (Talk | contribs)
Line 40: Line 40:
*Heru (Gk: Horus) *Heru (Gk: Horus)
*Hoor-par-Kraat (Gk: Harpocrates) *Hoor-par-Kraat (Gk: Harpocrates)
 +*Kephra (also Khepri, Khopri; Crowley <i>Khephera</i>): Khepra is the manifestation of the Sun in the form of a scarab beetle, who pushes the Sun across the heavens daily. The actual Egyptian scarab beetle lays an egg and rolls it into a ball of dung and mud to protect it until it hatches. The beetle was (and is) a common sight pushing its egg in the ball of mud and dung over the ground. It was from this natural fact that the Egyptians derived the idea of the sun rolled from horizon to horizon. Crowley incorporated Khephera into [[Liber Resh]] in the midnight adoration of the Sun.  
*Khonsu *Khonsu
*Khnum *Khnum

Revision as of 11:29, 23 Sep 2004

Table of contents

1 Sources

The Ennead

The Ennead were the nine most important gods and goddesses worshipped in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis.

The Ogdoad

Many ancient Egyptian cities revered a principal set of eight deities, usually arranged in four male/female pairs. For example: the Ogdoad of Hermopolis was as follows:

Other Important Egyptian Godforms

Egyptian and Greek names:


http://www.kemet.org/glossary/ Listing of Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) god-names from the website of The Kemetic Orthodox Faith, a neo-Egyptian religion featuring a very well researched listing of Egyptian god-names (netjeru).