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Tree of Life:Godforms

(Difference between revisions)

Revision as of 12:10, 16 Oct 2004
Ash (Talk | contribs)
phase 3
Revision as of 12:28, 16 Oct 2004
Ash (Talk | contribs)
*whew!* okay...now to add explinations of the categories...
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-==Selection of Egyptian Gods== 
==The 10 Sepheroth== ==The 10 Sepheroth==
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===16 [[Tree of Life:Path of Vau|Vau]]=== ===16 [[Tree of Life:Path of Vau|Vau]]===
-*'''Egyptian (Selection)'''— +*'''Egyptian (Selection)'''—[[Asar]], [[Ameshet]], [[Apis]]  
-*'''Egyptian (Practical)'''— +*'''Egyptian (Practical)'''—[[Osiris]] 
-*'''Hindu'''—+*'''Hindu'''—[[Shiva]] (Sacred Bull)
*'''Scandinavian'''— *'''Scandinavian'''—
-*'''Greek'''— +*'''Greek'''—[[Hera]] 
-*'''Roman'''—+*'''Roman'''—[[Venus]], [[Hymen]]
*'''Christian'''— *'''Christian'''—
===17 [[Tree of Life:Path of Zain|Zain]]=== ===17 [[Tree of Life:Path of Zain|Zain]]===
-*'''Egyptian (Selection)''' +*'''Egyptian (Selection)'''—Various twin Deities, [[Rekht]], [[Merti]], etc., [[Heru-Ra-Ha]] 
-*'''Egyptian (Practical)''' +*'''Egyptian (Practical)'''—The twin [[Merti]] 
-*'''Hindu'''+*'''Hindu'''—Various twin and hybrid Deities
*'''Scandinavian'''— *'''Scandinavian'''—
-*'''Greek'''— +*'''Greek'''—[[Apollo]] the Diviner, [[Eros]] 
-*'''Roman'''—+*'''Roman'''—[[Castor]] and [[Pollux]], [[Janus]]
*'''Christian'''— *'''Christian'''—
===18 [[Tree of Life:Path of Cheth|Cheth]]=== ===18 [[Tree of Life:Path of Cheth|Cheth]]===
-*'''Egyptian (Selection)'''— +*'''Egyptian (Selection)'''—[[Khephra]] 
-*'''Egyptian (Practical)'''— +*'''Egyptian (Practical)'''—[[Hormakhu]] 
*'''Scandinavian'''— *'''Scandinavian'''—
-*'''Greek'''— +*'''Greek'''—[[Apollo]] the Charioteer 
-*'''Roman'''—+*'''Roman'''—[[Mercury]], [[Lares]] and [[Penates]]
*'''Christian'''— *'''Christian'''—
===19 [[Tree of Life:Path of Teth|Teth]]=== ===19 [[Tree of Life:Path of Teth|Teth]]===
-*'''Egyptian (Selection)'''— +*'''Egyptian (Selection)'''—[[Ra-Hoor-Khuit]], [[Pasht]], [[Sekhet]], [[Mau]] 
-*'''Egyptian (Practical)'''— +*'''Egyptian (Practical)'''—[[Horus]] 
-*'''Hindu'''—+*'''Hindu'''—[[Vishnu]], [[Nara-Singh Avatar]]
*'''Scandinavian'''— *'''Scandinavian'''—
-*'''Greek'''— +*'''Greek'''—[[Demeter]] [borne by lions] 
-*'''Roman'''—+*'''Roman'''—[[Venus]] (repressing the Fire of [[Vulcan]])
*'''Christian'''— *'''Christian'''—
===20 [[Tree of Life:Path of Yod|Yod]]=== ===20 [[Tree of Life:Path of Yod|Yod]]===
-*'''Egyptian (Selection)'''— +*'''Egyptian (Selection)'''—[[Isis]] as Virgin 
-*'''Egyptian (Practical)'''— +*'''Egyptian (Practical)'''—[[Heru-pa-Kraath]] 
-*'''Hindu'''+*'''Hindu'''—The [[Gopi Girls]], the Lord of [[Yoga]]
*'''Scandinavian'''— *'''Scandinavian'''—
-*'''Greek'''— +*'''Greek'''—[[Attis]]  
-*'''Roman'''—+*'''Roman'''—[[Ceres]], [[Adonis]], [[Vesta]], [[Flora]]
*'''Christian'''— *'''Christian'''—
Line 195: Line 193:
===22 [[Tree of Life:Path of Lamed|Lamed]]=== ===22 [[Tree of Life:Path of Lamed|Lamed]]===
-*'''Egyptian (Selection)'''— +*'''Egyptian (Selection)'''—[[Ma]] 
-*'''Egyptian (Practical)'''— +*'''Egyptian (Practical)'''—[[Maat]] 
*'''Scandinavian'''— *'''Scandinavian'''—
-*'''Greek'''— +*'''Greek'''—[[Themis]], [[Minos]], [[Aeacus]] and [[Rhadamanthus]] 
-*'''Roman'''—+*'''Roman'''—[[Vulcan]], [[Venus]], [[Nemesis]
*'''Christian'''— *'''Christian'''—
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===24 [[Tree of Life:Path of Nun|Nun]]=== ===24 [[Tree of Life:Path of Nun|Nun]]===
-*'''Egyptian (Selection)'''— +*'''Egyptian (Selection)'''—[[Merti]] goddesses, [[Typhon]], [[Apep]], [[Khephra]] 
-*'''Egyptian (Practical)'''— +*'''Egyptian (Practical)'''—[[Hammemit]] 
-*'''Hindu'''—+*'''Hindu'''—[[Kundalini]], [[Yama]]
*'''Scandinavian'''— *'''Scandinavian'''—
-*'''Greek'''— +*'''Greek'''—[[Ares]], [[Apollo]] the Pythean, [[Thanatos]] 
-*'''Roman'''—+*'''Roman'''—[[Mars]], [[Mors]]
*'''Christian'''— *'''Christian'''—
===25 [[Tree of Life:Path of Samekh|Samekh]]=== ===25 [[Tree of Life:Path of Samekh|Samekh]]===
-*'''Egyptian (Selection)'''—+*'''Egyptian (Selection)'''—[[Nephthys]]
*'''Egyptian (Practical)'''— *'''Egyptian (Practical)'''—
-*'''Hindu'''—+*'''Hindu'''—[[Vishnu]] (Horse-Avatar)
*'''Scandinavian'''— *'''Scandinavian'''—
-*'''Greek'''— +*'''Greek'''—[[Apollo]], [[Artemis]] (hunters) 
-*'''Roman'''—+*'''Roman'''—[[Diana]] (as Archer), [[Iris]]
*'''Christian'''— *'''Christian'''—
===26 [[Tree of Life:Path of Ayin|Ayin]]=== ===26 [[Tree of Life:Path of Ayin|Ayin]]===
-*'''Egyptian (Selection)'''— +*'''Egyptian (Selection)'''—[[Khem]], [[Set]] 
-*'''Egyptian (Practical)'''— +*'''Egyptian (Practical)'''—[[Set]]  
-*'''Hindu'''—+*'''Hindu'''—[[Lingam]], [[Yoni]]
*'''Scandinavian'''— *'''Scandinavian'''—
-*'''Greek'''— +*'''Greek'''—[[Pan]], [[Priapus]], Erect [[Hermes]] 
-*'''Roman'''—+*'''Roman'''—[[Vesta]], [[Bacchus]]
*'''Christian'''— *'''Christian'''—
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===28 [[Tree of Life:Path of Tzaddi|Tzaddi]]=== ===28 [[Tree of Life:Path of Tzaddi|Tzaddi]]===
-*'''Egyptian (Selection)'''— +*'''Egyptian (Selection)'''—[[Ahepi]], [[Aroueris]]  
-*'''Egyptian (Practical)'''— +*'''Egyptian (Practical)'''—[[Nuit]]  
-*'''Hindu'''—+*'''Hindu'''—[[The Maruts]]
*'''Scandinavian'''— *'''Scandinavian'''—
-*'''Greek'''— +*'''Greek'''—[[Athena]], [[Ganymede]]  
-*'''Roman'''—+*'''Roman'''—[[Juno]], [[Æolus]]
*'''Christian'''— *'''Christian'''—
===29 [[Tree of Life:Path of Qoph|Qoph]]=== ===29 [[Tree of Life:Path of Qoph|Qoph]]===
-*'''Egyptian (Selection)'''— +*'''Egyptian (Selection)'''—[[Khephra]] (as Scarab in Tarot Trump) 
-*'''Egyptian (Practical)'''— +*'''Egyptian (Practical)'''—[[Anubi]]  
-*'''Hindu'''—+*'''Hindu'''—[[Vishnu]] ([[Matsya Avatar]])
*'''Scandinavian'''— *'''Scandinavian'''—
-*'''Greek'''— +*'''Greek'''—[[Poseidon]], [[Hermes]] (as [[Psychopomp]]) 
*'''Christian'''— *'''Christian'''—

Revision as of 12:28, 16 Oct 2004

Table of contents

The 10 Sepheroth

1 Kether

2 Chokmah

3 Binah

4 Chesed

5 Geburah

6 Tiphareth

7 Netzach

8 Hod

9 Yesod

10 Malkuth

The 22 Paths

11 Aleph

12 Beth

13 Gimel

14 Daleth


16 Vau

17 Zain

18 Cheth

19 Teth

20 Yod

21 Kaph

22 Lamed

23 Mem

24 Nun

25 Samekh

26 Ayin


28 Tzaddi

29 Qoph

30 Resh

31 Shin

32 Tau

