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Holy Guardian Angel

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The Augoeides

Lytton calls him Adonai in ‘Zanoni,’ and I often use this name in the note-books. Abramelin calls him Holy Guardian Angel. I adopt this:

1. Because Abramelin’s system is so simple and effective.

2. Because since all theories of the universe are absurd it is better to talk in the language of one which is patently absurd, so as to mortify the metaphysical man.

3. Because a child can understand it.

Theosophists call him the Higher Self, Silent Watcher, or Great Master.

The Golden Dawn calls him the Genius.

Gnostics say the Logos.

Egyptians say Asar Un-nefer.

Zoroaster talks about uniting all these symbols into the form of a Lion – see Chaldean Oracles.

Anna Kingsford calls him Adonai (Clothed with the Sun). Buddhist call him Adi-Buddha – (says H.P.B.)

The Bhagavad-Gita calls him Vishnu (chapter xi.)

The Yi King calls him “The Great Person.”

The Qabalah calls him Jechidah.

We also get metaphysical analyses of His nature, deeper and deeper according to the subtlety of the writer; for this vision – it is all one same phenomena, variously coloured by our varying Ruachs – is, I believe, the first and the last of all Spiritual Experience. For though He is attributed to Malkuth, and the Door of the Path of His overshadowing, He is also in Kether (Kether is in Malkuth, and Malkuth in Kether – “as above, so beneath”), and the End of the “Path of the Wise” is identitiy with Him.

So that while he is the Holy Guardian Angel, He is also Hua, and the Tao.

For since Intra Nobis Regnum deI all things are in Ourself, and all Spiritual Experience is a more or less complete Revelation of Him.

Yet it is only in the Middle Pillar that His manifestation is in any way perfect.

The Augoeides invocation is the whole thing. Only it is so difficult; one goes along through all the fifty gates of Binah at once, more or less illuminated, more or less deluded. But the First and the Last is this Augoeides Invocation.

- Equinox I:1,pp 159 -160

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