Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram
(Revision as of 13:00, 20 Jan 2005)
Stand facing east with your Wand at your breast and say:
1.) I.N.R.I.
Bold textYod, Nun, Resh, Yod. Bold textVirgo, Isis, Holy Mother. Bold text Scorpio, Apophis, Holy Father. Bold textSol, Osiris, Salin and Risen Bold textIsis, Apophis, Osiris
2.) Still facing East, formulate the Sign of the Extended Light and say:
Bold textThe Sign Of Osiris Slain
3.) Formulate the sign of the Swastika and say:
Bold textThe Sing Of The Mourning Of Isis
4.) Formulate the sign of Isa the Adorant and say:
Bold textThe Sign Of Apophis And Typhon
5.) Formulate the Sing of The Blazing Star and say:
Bold textThe Sign Of Osiris Risen
6.) Formulate the Sign of the Extended Light followed by the Sign of the Swastika
as you say: Bold textL.V.X. LUX, The Light Of The Cross.
7.)Advance to the East and trace the Unicursal Hexagram with your Wand, draw in
your breath, throw your hands and body forward into the Sign of the Enterer and say Bold textABRAHADABRA. Imagine the Hexagram shooting forth and a five-petaled rose blooming in the center.
8.) Repeat to the South, West, and North.
9.) Facing East, repeat steps 1 thru 6.