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Greater Ritual of the Hexagram

(Revision as of 17:51, 22 Jan 2005)

Part of the Magick in Theory & Practice series.

The Greater Ritual of the Hexagram is one of several rituals within "Liber O" written by Aleister Crowley after the techniques of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. It is used to invoke or banish the energies of either the Planets or the Signs of the Zodiac.

The structure of the ritual is exactly the same as the Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram except for the figures that are "drawn" and the adition of a godname. When dealing with the planets, only the hexagram of Earth is used, with the astrological sign of the particular planet traced within it. The Zodiac uses the hexagram of the planet that "rules" the sign, and then tracing the astrological sign within it. After the vibration of "Ararita", add the name of the God corresponding to the planet or sign.

Table of contents

Ritual components



Signs of the planets and Zodiac


Godnames of the planets

Ruling planets of the Zodiac

See also

Sites of interest


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