(Revision as of 02:01, 27 Jan 2005)
vulgar 'magicks' often found in old stories, fairy tales, or gypsy folklore, which when employed cause various maladies or problems to the recipient thereof.
Effigies were classically used, the victim being brought pain or similiar injury by the application of pins/needles/heat, or other such damage to the doll in a similiar fashion. was dolls were popular by witches of the middle ages, as noted in Daemonologie(1597) by King James I of England:
"To some others at these times he (the Devil) teacheth, how to make Pictures of waxe or clay: That by the rosting thereof, the persones that they beare the name of, may be continuallie melted or dryed awaie by continuall sicknesse. "
classical medieval curses include burying eggs or livers of animals beneath the ground under a waxing moon and cursing the victim to 'rot' with it, his or her life being supposedly drawn out along with the waxing moon and rotting meat.