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(Revision as of 19:32, 23 Sep 2004)

Alright, so here I am on Thelemapedia. Now what the hell do I say? I'd say...

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law,

...but CHRIST, it's so overdone! ;)

I can't say that I've called myself a Thelemite for long. It wasn't until the end of last year that I knew that this word described exactly what it is I believe. I've studied magick, in what minor capacity I was capable of at the time, since I was six years old. Magick is in me and always has been. But in my younger years it was hard to eliminate the stigma attached to certain aspects of the study, particularly when it came to Crowley. In my time I'd been a Christian, a Wiccan, and a Satanist, but that Crowley, he was just too wicked for me! So when I first met Fra. Soli, the local body master of Sol Invictus Camp, several years ago at a party, I got into a ridiculous debate with him over what an evil bastard Crowley was. I was so drunk I didn't even know I'd said anything out loud to him! So when by an act of fate I moved into the same apartment complex that he lived in, and then wound up in the same class one semester at the university, I didn't expect to "become" a Thelemite. All it took was one conversation, one really clear explanation of Thelema, and I knew it was what I'd been looking for since birth. Soli was giving a lecture for the Student Pagan Association on Gnosticism, and I asked him how it related to Thelema. Turns out, I'd been a Thelemite all along and didn't know it. The negative PR campaign of mainstream Christianity had done its work. But now I know better.  :) The lesson learned? No matter what you think you know about something, chances are YOU DON'T.

Love is the Law, love under Will. (or some other such nonsense.)  :P

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