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Aspect (astrology)

(Revision as of 09:18, 17 Mar 2005)

An aspect is an angular relationship between planets that indicates that their significations are connected in some way. Generally speaking, aspects are classified as harmonious, inharmonious, or neutral. The most commonly used aspects are those called the major aspects: the trine (120º), the sextile (60º), the square (90º), the opposition (180º), and the conjunction (0º). The trine and sextile are considered harmonious or supportive, while the opposition and square are considered inharmionious. The conjunction is considered neutral in itself; it may have a positive or negative connotation depending on the planets involved and their house placement.

Aspects need not be exact to be considered present; a certain amount of leeway, called the orb of the aspect, is allowed. For the aspects listed above, an orb of 6-8º is usually allowed. So planets that are 54º-66º apart in ecliptic longitude are considered to be in sextile aspect to one another, although an exact aspect is usually considered more meaningful.

The Ancient Use of Aspects

The idea of aspects in ancient astrology was somewhat different than in the modern application. Aspects were counted by sign rather than by exact degree, so a planet in Leo might be considered to form a trine with any planet in Sagittarius or Aries. It would never be considered to form a trine with a planet in Capricorn, even if the actual angle between the two planets were within the orb allowed by modern astrologers (for example, 29º Leo to 1º Capricorn would be well within orb at 122º).

Aspects were also classified by their direction. An aspect measured forward through the zodiac was called a "left" aspect (so, for example, Leo to Sagittarius would be a "left trine"), and an aspect in the other direction was called a "right" aspect (Leo to Aries would be a "right trine"). In Indian or Vedic astrology, each planet makes only some of the possible aspects. For example, Saturn only makes conjunctions, oppositions, left sextiles, and right squares.

Further Distinctions

An aspect that is exact is called perfect. An aspect that is within orb and getting closer to perfection is called applying, and one that is within orb and in the process of moving further from perfection is called departing. An aspect between planets in the same degree of their respective signs is called a partile aspect (for example, two planets in 18º01' Leo and 18º59' Sagittarius are in partile trine. Two planets in 18º01' Leo and 17º59' Sagittarius are not, even though they are closer to being perfect). Aspects that fall in the "wrong" sign by virtue of their orb (such as the Leo/Capricorn example given above) are sometimes called occult or hidden aspects. Applying and partile aspects are sometimes considered stronger than departing or hidden aspects.

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