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Ancient Rosae Crucis

(Revision as of 07:21, 11 Apr 2005)

  This organization is a split off Ancient Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis during its time of troubles in 1990 which resulted in their Imperator Gary Lee Stewart's departure.  
  Ancient Rosae Crucis was founded by Paul Walden and Ashley McFadden after their and Stewart's leaving AMORC. It was first founded as a new Order for Stewart to work through.  To due to disagreements among the leadership Stewart soon left to found the ConFaternity Rosae+Crucis.  ARC has continued to function after their first Imperators seperation under the continued leadership Walden and McFadden despite rumors of a early demise.  About 1997 Ashley McFadden annouced her assumtion of the Office of Imperator in sucession to Stewart, claiming lineage through Paul Walden.
  Apparently they base their teachings on AMORC's older lessons dating back to the times of their First Imperator Spencer Lewis and his son the second Imperator Ralph Lewis.

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