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Thelemapedia:Power structure

(Revision as of 23:25, 30 Jun 2005)

The power structure of Thelemapedia is in an early phase. There are three main areas of power: content, policy, and function.


Content refers to Thelemapedia articles. With almost no exceptions, every single member of Thelemapedia has equal editorial power within this domain. As long as content fits within site policy, no editor has any more authority than any other editor. This means that articles should result from the process of consensus building. Sometimes, only one or two people work on an article, and little consensus-building is needed. When several editors are working on a page, some disagreement becomes likely. In such cases, disagreements should be solved with polite discussion (although this is more of a guideline than a policy...sometimes it is better to go ahead and edit. Just use your common sense to know the difference and please be polite). Just remember the golden rule: the object is to create a great encyclopedia article, not to win arguments or force a belief into the site.

When it comes to editorial policy that guides content, pretty much all Thelemapedia rules and guidelines fall under the Primary Editorial Principles:

  1. Articles should be sympathetic with the principles, culture, practices, and beliefs of Thelema whenever possible.
  2. Articles should promote clarity, accuracy, and the will to inform without distortion or fabrication.
  3. Articles should reflect knowledge that is generally accepted in the Thelemic community, drawing from expert sources or common knowledge.


Policy refers to the overall conceptual parameters and objectives of Thelemapedia and the rules and guidelines developed to manifest them. Up through July 2005, policy has been determined by Thelemapedia founder, Fr. Ash (A.K.A. John Bowie).


Function refers to

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