Literature Recommended to Aspirants
(Revision as of 18:52, 4 Jul 2005)
- A:.A:. Curriculum
- 'Section 1: Books for Serious Study'
- 'Section 2: Other Books, Pricipally Fiction of a General Suggestive and Helpful Kind'
- The Lore of Proserpine
- En Route
- Sidonia the Sorceress
- Macbeth
- Midsummer Night's Dream
- The Tempest
- Redgauntlet
- Rob Roy
- The Magician
- The Bible
- Kim
- Fairy Tales
- Oriental Classics
- Sufi Poetry
- Greek and Latin Classics
- Scandinavian and Teutonic Sagas
- Celtic Folk-Lore
- O.T.O. Curriculum
- 'Section 1: Official Publications of the A:.A:.'
- 'Section 2: The Saints'
- 'Section 3: Books Cited in O.T.O. Literature'