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(Revision as of 13:24, 28 Sep 2004)

The Egyptian God of Silence. Harpocrates is Greek for the Egyptian Hoor-paar(par)-kraat and means "Horus the Child." Aleister Crowley described the image of Harpocrates as being a young boy or babe, pink in color, his right forefinger to his lips, and standing on two crocodiles. In ritual, the Sign of Harpocrates (which is typically paired with the sign of Horus) consists of putting the right forefinger to the lips and pertains to the 0=0, Probationer Grade of the A.'.A.'.. In the Neophyte hall of the old Golden Dawn Neophyte Grade, Harpocrates is considered the the "younger brother of Horus" and his station is in the path of Samech "between the place of Thmaist and that of the Evil Triad".

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