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(Revision as of 00:46, 30 May 2005)

The number 11 means, in the Tree of Life, the Sphere of Daath. In the Hebraic Language Daath means "knowledge" or "Abyss", being the Sephirah located in the limit between the Superior Triad (Kether, Chockmah and Binah) and the Sephirot located at the more manifested world. Daath is where takes place fenomenom usualy known as the "Black Night of the Soul", when the adept stands at the mental state represented by the daemon Choronzon. Transpass this state of the mind is essencial to reach the consecution of the Great Work. To reach Daath is necessary, first, to take contact with the Holly Guardian Angel, who conducts the adept and helps him to reach the Abyss safely. This number also have the simbolism of the unipn of the Microcosmos and the Macrocosmos, as the sum of the 5 and the 6, being the 5 related to the Pentagram and the 6 related to the Hexagram. So, 11 joins the meanings of both the correlations and means the All.

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