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Talk:William Bernard Crow

(Revision as of 04:28, 29 Oct 2005)

This article should be blanked and written from scratch. The article has been copied over from FET, which site contains degree secrets of OTO. As a project of OTO, it is inappropriate for Thelemapedia to link to FET; and any content originating from that site must be cited with a link back; therefore, we should not copy or derive articles from FET. Thiebes 04:57, 28 Oct 2005 (CDT)

Isn't that censorship? --Ahavah veemet
No, it is a request for total rewrite. Thiebes
Motivated solely by a desire to censor out a link to a particular website. Censorship isn't restricted soley to content. Restricting the publication of information based on its source is still censorship. --Ahavah veemet
Call it what you like, it is in accordance with our oaths and there is noting in the policy which forbids selective editing, except in the specific case of censoring content for minors. Thiebes
Hmm, I went over there and read the oaths. There doesn't seem to be anything about Internet linking in them. Nor anything about controlling or censoring other people. As long as you personally keep your oaths, there would appear to be no problem here. Unless the oaths about Internet linking are in Degrees higher than the Fifth?? --Ahavah veemet

I would have no problem with a rewrite. All information from FET regarding this article was taken from other sources anyway, so all we'd be doing is gitting rid of the "middle man".

AV--I believe you are not understanding Thiebes' problem. There are articles on FET that reveal oaths that we in OTO are sworn to keep secret. By linking to FET, we are doing two things: providing a link to a site that contains our secret oaths and supporting a site that is willing to do so. I consider their revelations of the oaths to be in bad taste, and Thelemapedia has no obligation to support them or acknowledge their existance. Moreover, rewriting this article wouldn't be censorship, since the intention is not to eliminate information from this article regarding the topic at hand (in fact, an intrepid writer might dig up even more useful data). The point is to eliminate a link which is currently required by the license, since somwhere in here, the original writer referenced FET.

Fr. Ash 20:41, 28 Oct 2005 (CDT)

No, I don't believe that I am misunderstanding at all. You both seem to want to censor a link for political purposes. But thank you for making that and the political purposes explicit. It's quite illuminating. --Ahavah veemet
Oh, and please feel free to delete my account. I won't be participating in this twisted charade and caricature of free and open communication any longer. -Ahavah veemet

"... twisted charade and caricature of free and open communication?" What planet is this guy from? FET continually rips off original articles from this site daily without properly citing that the works originated with this site. I noticed pretty much every one of my entries are up on FET in the short time I've been actively working with Thelemapedia.

The entries presented on this Site are written by Thelemites who have chosen to take oaths which they place in the highest regard. And if not written by Thelemites, then the sources are at least cited properly. Hierophag(e)

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