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(Revision as of 03:02, 20 Sep 2004)

Who's running this thing?

Thelemapedia is hosted by Scarlet Woman Lodge (, a chartered local body of Ordo Templi Orientis. However, since every user can edit almost all pages (including policy pages), in a larger sense the members run Thelemapedia.

The Managing Editor is Fr. Ash

The Executive Editor & Lodgemaster of Scarlet Woman Lodge is Fr. Omega Baphomet (


About a topic. Every page (article pages, policy pages, user pages) has its own Discussion page, and that's often the best place for questions that are specific to a single topic.

About a User. To learn more about a Thelemapedia user, click on their name to view their user page. To talk to someone on Thelemapedia, go to their user page and click Discussion. You can see the entire roster of current users on the User List.

About Thelemapedia. The Community portal is our community's central gathering point. It is a place for friendly questions, discussions, theory, planning, and much more. If in doubt, post on the Discussion page at the Community portal first.


Technical. If you are experiencing serious technical difficulties with Thelemapedia, email us for Technical Assistance ( If you are only having minor problems, or are simply curious about something, you might want to post your inquiry in the Community portal.

Abuse. If you see someone you suspect is abusing their privileges in some way, email us for an Abuse Report (

Disputes. If you (or others you see) are having problems over content or are struggling with an edit war, the first thing to do is read our entry on Dispute Resolution. If the members or community cannot solve the conflict, then a request for mediation or arbitration can be made. So, as a last resort, email us for Dispute Resolution (

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