(Revision as of 04:06, 24 Jul 2009)

Joseph Thiebes is Priest of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica and artist living in the occult district of Portland, Oregon known as "New Alamut." Originally hailing from the wild mountains of Montana, where he began his 20-year study of the occult arts, he is Past Master of Sekhet-Maat Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis].
Joseph's writing and editing work has contributed to the development of O.T.O. in Portland and to the promulgation of the Law of Thelema worldwide. He is a principal contributor to Thelemapedia, as well as former editor of Agapé ( and of Lion & Serpent ( He also maintains a heavily filtered personal blog and two active blogging communities for O.T.O. members. ( 1 ( | 2 ( )
Joseph has participated in hundreds of public dramatic rituals in the last two decades, from performance in solo ritual (, to eucharistic ceremony ( and secret initiatory rites (, to directing and producing invocative performances with full lighting & live music (
Joseph has spoken on Thelema and organizational leadership topics in Portland as well as in France, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, and other locations in various U.S. states. He continues to create and offer presentations at Sekhet-Maat Lodge and elsewhere on a regular basis. Each second Tuesday he facilitates discussions on Thelemic texts at the Lodge, and speaks regularly at the biennial National O.T.O. Conference ( Joseph is the creator and moderator of Thelemic Symposium (, an annual event since 2002.
- Website & Gallery (
- Weblog (
- Artist bio (
- Contact info (