Scarlet Woman Lodge History:Timeline
(Revision as of 07:05, 24 Oct 2012)
December 15, 1992 e.v.
The U.S. Electoral College passed a motion to grant a charter for the formation of Scarlet Woman Camp.
February 14, 1993 e.v.
The minutes of the U.S. Electoral College meeting were typed up and sent to the Supreme and Holy King, who was at the time the National Grand Master General (NGMG).
May 4, 1993 e.v.
Full approval to operate Scarlet Woman Camp was granted when the Charter authorizing it to begin the work of the Order was signed and sealed by the National Grand Master General.
The signature block on the bottom right: 'Soror SA, Secretary, Electoral College'. The signature block on the bottom left: 'Hymenaeus B, X* National Grand Master General', with a wax imprint of his seal.
July 18, 2009
Soror V. is appointed Scarlet Woman Lodge Treasurer.