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The Zodiac

Aries (♈)
Taurus (♉)
Gemini (♊)
Cancer (♋)
Leo (♌)
Virgo (♍)
Libra (♎)
Scorpio (♏)
Sagittarius (♐)
Capricorn (♑)
Aquarius (♒)
Pisces (♓)

The Planets

Sun (☉)
Mercury (☿)
Venus (♀)
Luna (☽)
Mars (♂)
Jupiter (♃)
Saturn (♄)
Uranus (♅)
Neptune (♆)
Pluto (♇)

Other components


Taurus (♉ and Latin for Bull) is one of the constellations of the zodiac. It sits large and prominent in the winter sky, between Aries to the west and Gemini to the east; to the north lie Perseus and Auriga, to the southwest Orion, and to the southeast Eridanus and Cetus.


In Greek mythology, this corresponds with the bull-form Zeus took in order to win Europa, a mythical Phoenician princess, and thus the father of the Minotaur. As such, since it is necessary to traverse the area of sky known as the Sea to reach it when passing through the Zodiac, it forms the origin of the myth of the Cretan Bull, one of The Twelve Labors of Heracles.


The astrological sign Taurus (April 20 - May 20) is associated with the constellation. In some cosmologies, Taurus is associated with the classical element Earth, and thus called an Earth Sign (with Virgo and Capricorn). It is one of the four Fixed signs (along with Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius). Its polar opposite is Scorpio. Its ruling planet is Venus. Each astrological sign is assigned a part of the body, viewed as the seat of its power. Taurus rules the neck and shoulders. The symbol for Taurus is the bull. Taurean qualities include an earthy, practical nature, a love of luxury and a devotee of sensuality, strong opinions, and a profound stubbornness. They are also fairly emotional and sentimental signs. The sex drive of those born under the sign of Taurus is legendary, and they, along with Scorpio, are the most sexual signs in the entire zodiac.


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