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Thelemapedia:Wiki Markup

From Thelemapedia

The wiki markup is the syntax system you can use to format a Thelemapedia page. It is designed to be simple and quick to use. You are welcome to experiment with markup in the Temp Zone.

Table of contents


Section Headings

What you see What you type Notes

New section

Sub-header 1

Sub-header 2

Sub-header 3

==New section==
===Sub-header 1===
====Sub-header 2====
=====Sub-header 3=====

  • A Table of Contents will automatically be added to an article that has four or more sections.
  • Typing __NOTOC__ anywhere in the article will force the TOC not to appear.
  • You can keep a header out of the Table of Contents by using the <h> tags instead of equal signs.
    • Eg. <h2> Header 2 </h2> instead of == Header 2 ==

Bold and italic

What you see What you type Notes



Bold italic

''Italic'' (2 apostrophes)

'''Bold''' (3 apostrophes)

'''''Bold italic''''' (5 apostrophes)

  • Use the apostrophe key, not the quotes key.


What you see What you type Notes

A single newline (hitting the return/enter key once) generally has no effect on the layout.

But an empty line (hitting the return/enter key twice) starts a new paragraph.

A single newline
(hitting the return/enter key once)
generally has no effect on the layout.

But an empty line (hitting the return/enter key twice) starts a new paragraph.

  • When used in a list, a newline does affect the layout (see below).

You can break lines
without starting a new paragraph.

You can break lines<br/>without starting a new paragraph.

  • Please use this technique sparingly.

Sometimes it is useful to indent an entire paragraph.

A colon at the beginning of the first line will indent the remaining paragraph.

Sometimes it is useful to indent an entire paragraph.
:A colon at the beginning of the first line will indent the remaining paragraph.

  • More colons = more indention.
  • This will work only with the colon at the beginning of a new line. Otherwise it will show up a regular colon.
  • A new line (single return) will start a new paragraph when using this technique.

You can also seperate blocks of text:

It is easy using the blockquote html tag, which indents both margins instead of the left margin only as the colon does.

<blockquote>It is easy using the '''blockquote''' html tag, which indents both margins instead of the left margin only as the colon does.</blockquote>

  • The colon method is generally preferred, but this technique works well when the right needs to be indented as well.

If a line starts with one
 or more spaces then
   it will be formatted exactly
     as typed;
  lines will not    wrap;

If a line starts with one
 or more spaces then
   it will be formatted exactly
     as typed;
  lines will not    wrap;

  • WARNING: If you make a line too long, it will force the whole page to be wide. Never start ordinary lines with spaces.
  • This technique is good for things like poetry.
  • More spaces = more indention


What you see What you type Notes
  • Lists are easy to do:
    • Start every line with an asterisk.
      • More asterisks means deeper levels.

A newline in a list marks the end of a list item.

  • An empty line starts a new list.

* Lists are easy to do:
** Start every line with an asterisk.
*** More asterisks means deeper levels.
A newline in a list marks the end of a list item.

* An empty line starts a new list.

  • This is used under the References and External links sections.
  1. Numbered lists are easy to do:
  2. Start every line with a number sign.
    1. More number signs means
  3. deeper levels.

A newline in a list marks the end of a numbered list.

  1. An empty line starts a new list.
# Numbered lists are easy to do:
# Start every line with a number sign.
## More number signs means
# deeper levels.
A newline in a list marks the end of a numbered list.
# An empty line starts a new list.

  • You can even do mixed lists
    1. and nest them
      • like this

  1. Or starting with
    • a numbered list
      1. like this
* You can even do mixed lists
*# and nest them
*#* like this

# Or starting with
#* a numbered list
#*# like this

Definition list 
list of definitions
the item's definition
another item
the other item's definition
another definition
; Definition list : list of definitions
; item : the item's definition
; another item
: the other item's definition
: another definition

Character formatting

For special characters in Hebrew and Greek, see the Characters page.

What you see What you type Notes
À Á Â Ã Ä Å 
Æ Ç È É Ê Ë 
Ì Í Î Ï Ñ Ò 
Ó Ô Õ Ö Ø Ù 
Ú Û Ü ß à á 
â ã ä å æ ç 
è é ê ë ì í
î ï ñ ò ó ô 
œ õ ö ø ù ú 
û ü ÿ
&Agrave; &Aacute; &Acirc; &Atilde; &Auml; &Aring; 
&AElig; &Ccedil; &Egrave; &Eacute; &Ecirc; &Euml; 
&Igrave; &Iacute; &Icirc; &Iuml; &Ntilde; &Ograve; 
&Oacute; &Ocirc; &Otilde; &Ouml; &Oslash; &Ugrave; 
&Uacute; &Ucirc; &Uuml; &szlig; &agrave; &aacute; 
&acirc; &atilde; &auml; &aring; &aelig; &ccedil; 
&egrave; &eacute; &ecirc; &euml; &igrave; &iacute;
&icirc; &iuml; &ntilde; &ograve; &oacute; &ocirc; 
&oelig; &otilde; &ouml; &oslash; &ugrave; &uacute; 
&ucirc; &uuml; &yuml;
¿ ¡ § ¶
† ‡ • – —
‹ › « »
‘ ’ “ ”
Commercial symbols:
™ © ® ¢ € ¥
£ ¤
&iquest; &iexcl; &sect; &para;
&dagger; &Dagger; &bull; &ndash; &mdash;
&lsaquo; &rsaquo; &laquo; &raquo;
&lsquo; &rsquo; &ldquo; &rdquo;

&trade; &copy; &reg; &cent; &euro; &yen; 
&pound; &curren;

Subscripts: x1 x2 x3

Superscripts: x1 x2 x3

x<sub>1</sub> x<sub>2</sub> x<sub>3</sub>

x<sup>1</sup> x<sup>2</sup> x<sup>3</sup>

Other formatting

What you see What you type Notes

Centering text on the page is easy:

Just use the center tag.

Centering text on the page is easy:

<center>Just use the '''center''' tag.</center>

  • For advanced users, centering can also be done within table cells and using manual CSS, like in a <div>

It is easy to make text really small using the small tag.

It is easy to make text <small>really small using the small tag.</small>

  • This is good for captions and instances like this one.
  • Avoid using small text for the main body copy in an article

You can draw a single line

with four dashes.

You can draw a single line
with four dashes.

  • This only works when the dashes are drawn on their own space. Within text, they will render as dashes.

It is possible to suppress the expression of code. For example, if you want to show code formatting. So, '''bold''' would show up as '''bold''' and not bold.

So, <nowiki>'''bold'''</nowiki> would show up as <nowiki>'''bold'''</nowiki> and not '''bold'''.

  • Escape all wiki markup, including that which looks like HTML tags.
  • Does not escape HTML character references.

You can leave a comment within the editing code that doesn't show up on the page.

<!-- comment here -->

  • Used to leave comments in a page for future editors.

You can strike out deleted material and underline new material.

You can <s>strike out deleted material</s> and <u>underline new material</u>.

  • Generally, this should not be used in main articles. It can be useful on discussion pages.


What you see What you type Notes

Internal linking is easy: just use two brackets on either side of a word or phrase, eg. Astral projection.

Internal linking is easy: just use two brackets on either side of a word or phrase, eg. [[Astral projection]].

  • A link to another Thelemapedia article.
  • Internally, the first letter of the target page is automatically capitalized and spaces are represented as underscores.
  • Spelling and capitalization must be exact (except for the first letter)
It is possible to have a link target a page using different text. Eg. Some can travel astrally. Some can [[Astral projection|travel astrally]]. (Text shows up as "travel astrally" but links to the page called "Astral projection")
  • Same target, different name.
  • This is called a "piped link".
  • The "piped" text must be placed first, the text that will be displayed, second.

If red, it is a link to a page that doesn't yet exist.

If red, [[it is a link]] to a page that doesn't yet exist.

  • You can create the page by clicking on the red link (but please do not do so with this particular link).
  • To create a new page, see the tutorial entry

You can blend endings onto links: "There are many types of sigils"

There are many types of [[sigil]]s

  • Works with the following endings:
    -s, -es, -ing, -tion, -ation

Alchemy#Overview is a link to a section within another page.

#Other formatting is a link to a section on the current page.

#example is a link to an anchor that was created using an "id" attribute.

[[Alchemy#Overview]] is a link to a section within another page. [[#Other formatting]] is a link to a section on the current page. [[#example]] is a link to an anchor that was created using an "id" attribute
  • You can use a piped link to make these more pretty
  • The "id" attribute can be in a "div" or table cell
    • eg. <div id="example"></div>

Automatically hide stuff in parentheses: The Fool.

Automatically hide namespace: Really Simple Tutorial.

Or both: Really Simple Tutorial

But not: [[Thelemapedia:Really Simple Tutorial (the basics)#Editing a page|]]

[[The Fool (tarot)|]].

[[Thelemapedia:Really Simple Tutorial|]].

[[Thelemapedia:Really Simple Tutorial (the basics)|]]

  • Just put a pipe on the end

It is possible to have a page redirect to another page. For example, Scarlet Woman redirects the browser to Babalon.

The code on the redirection page (say, "Scarlet Woman") is:

#REDIRECT [[Babalon]]

  • Very useful for topics that have multiple terms
  • Code must go on the first line only

Special pages can be linked to easily:

What links here: Special:Whatlinkshere/Thelemapedia:Really Simple Tutorial

Related changes: Special:Recentchangeslinked/Thelemapedia:Really Simple Tutorial

User's Contributions page: Special:Contributions/Ash

[[Special:Whatlinkshere/Thelemapedia:Really Simple Tutorial]]

[[Special:Recentchangeslinked/Thelemapedia:Really Simple Tutorial]]


Three ways to link to external (non-wiki) sources:

  1. Bare URL: (bad style)
  2. Unnamed link:
    [1] ( (very bad style, unless used as a reference citation)
  3. Named link:
    Nupedia ( (ideal)


[ Nupedia]

  • Use single brackets for external links
  • For a named link, do NOT use a pipe, DO use a space

It's also easy to link to an email address:

bare address:

named email address:
email me (


[ email me]

  • Like external links, use single brackets


What you see What you type Notes
An image:

Image:mushroom.jpg Here is some text to show how it relates to the image.


  • This image will have no formatting at all
Image floats right:

Here is some text to show how it relates to the image.


  • This image will float to the right, and text will wrap around the left of it
Image floats left:

Here is some text to show how it relates to the image.


  • This image will float to the left, and text will wrap around the right of it
Image with alternative text:



  • Gives the image alternative text
  • Any text placed at the end of a string of image commands will be alternative text (except with the "frame" tag...see below).
Image with a frame and caption:

Here is some text to show how it relates to the image.


  • Adding a captions automatically floats the image to the right
  • Notice that you can have multiple pipes for more options. Eg. you could add |left| to the code to have it float to the left.
  • You can use wiki links with caption text
  • Description and caption text always goes at the end
Image doesn't float:

Here is some text to show
how it relates to the image.

Here is some text to show [[Image:Mushroom.jpg|none]] how it relates to the image.

  • Text breaks to the top and bottom of the image
  • NOTE: if you want text that comes after an image to break under it, then put in the following code just after the image:
    <br style="clear:both" />
Resizing an image (centered):



  • Can resize to any limit, but quickly starts to lose visual quality the futher from 100% you go
  • It is best to upload the image with the size that is needed to be displayed in the article
  • Added the center just to show that position is also available
Making a thumbnail


  • This creates the little image in the caption box that shows that a larger version is available

Other items


Your signature: you can leave your signature on discussion pages by typing 3 tildas (~~~) for just your username, or 4 tildas (~~~~) if you want to add a time stamp. Both will create a link to your user page. For example: —Fr. Ash— 16:53, 5 Jul 2005 (CDT)

Five tildas will just leave a time stamp: 16:53, 5 Jul 2005 (CDT)

Note: please do not sign articles. Keep signatures in the talk pages.


Templates are used to add recurring messages to pages in a consistent way, to add boilerplate messages, to create navigational boxes and to provide cross-language portability of texts. Any page that begins with "Template:"—such as Template:Example1—becomes a template anyone can use. The content of a template can be added to a page by typing {{templatename}}.

For example, any page that includes the code {{Example1}} will display the following:

Here is an example of a template.

You can create a new template by typing the following into your browser's address bar:

Common templates used in many articles are:

Here is a list of other Thelemapedia templates.


To add any page to a category, simply type [[Category:Category name]] at the very bottom of the article (it doesn't have to be at the bottom, but it is recommended). This will automatically add that page to the category listing and a link will be created at the bottom of the article.

Pages can belong to multiple categories. For example, the article Thelema belongs to Category:Thelema and Category:Numbers. The code looks like this:
[[Category:Thelema]] [[Category:Numbers]]

Here is a list of all Thelemapedia categories. If there isn't an existing category for an article, when you add the category code at the bottom, it automatically creates that category. Note that, although "uncreated" categories will correctly list articles that have been assigned to them, the category page itself does not exist until it is manually created. The easiest way to create the category page is to follow the edit link from an article and add a parent category and a category description.

You can link to a category page within an article by adding a colon: eg. [[:Category:Thelema]] = Category:Thelema.

Table of contents

You can force a table of contents to show up anywhere on a page by typing __TOC__. You can also force a page not to show a table of contents by adding __NOTOC__ anywhere on the page.

You can keep a header out of the Table of Contents by using the <h> tags instead of equal signs. Examples:

Compact TOC

Where you have a large number of very short headings (such as letters of the alphabet) you can get a very long table of contents. An alternative is a compact table of contents, which you can achieve by inserting the following text:

{{compactTOC}} __NOTOC__

which looks like this:

Table of Contents: Top - 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


It is possible to have more sophisticated design on wiki articles by using tables and CSS (cascading style sheets).

Tables should not be used for simple lists, but rather for instances such as complex columns of data or unusual placement issues. Keep in mind that using tables and CSS can make it difficult for other users to edit the page in the future.


Variables are similar to templates, but are built into the wiki software. Here is a list of common variables:

Code Effect
{{PAGENAME}} Wiki Markup
{{NAMESPACE}} Thelemapedia
{{localurl:pagename}} /index.php/Pagename
{{ns:1}} Talk
{{ns:2}} User
{{ns:3}} User_talk
{{ns:4}} Thelemapedia
{{ns:5}} Thelemapedia_talk
{{ns:6}} Image
{{ns:7}} Image_talk
{{ns:8}} MediaWiki
{{ns:9}} MediaWiki_talk
{{ns:10}} Template
{{ns:11}} Template_talk
{{ns:12}} Help
{{ns:13}} Help_talk
{{ns:14}} Category
{{ns:15}} Category_talk
{{SITENAME}} Thelemapedia

NUMBEROFARTICLES is the number of pages in the main namespace which contain a link and are not a redirect, in other words number of articles, stubs containing a link, and disambiguation pages.

CURRENTMONTHNAMEGEN is the genitive (possessive) grammatical form of the month name, as used in some languages; CURRENTMONTHNAME is the nominative (subject) form, as usually seen in English.

Hiding the edit links

Insert __NOEDITSECTION__ into the document to suppress the edit links that appear next to every section header.

Where to go from here

Retrieved from ""

This page has been accessed 57891 times. This page was last modified 18:31, 10 Jul 2005. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2.

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