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E.G.C. Ceremonies

From Thelemapedia

Part of the Thelema & Religion series

The Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (or Gnostic Catholic Church) has only one "true" ritual: Liber XV, also known as the Gnostic Mass. This eucharistic ceremony is considered to the central ritual of both EGC and O.T.O.

There are other rituals that have recently gained approval from the Primate, and so have gained "official" status. In creating these rituals, the current Primate of EGC writes:

"The E.G.C., while entirely Thelemic in theology and doctrine, has its ceremonial roots in the French Gnostic Churches, and in the Western Liturgical Tradition in general. These rituals, like the Gnostic Mass itself, were composed with this in mind, and the text of Liber XV was used as the principle source of information for ritual development. Additional source material was taken from the Thelemic canon and the body of Crowley's writings. The rituals used by the old E.G.C. corporation under Patriarch McMurtry were used as structural precedents, and the rituals used by various branches of the French Gnostic Church were also reviewed, along with the writings of various authorities on the nature and traditions of sacramentalism and sacerdotalism such as J.G. Frazer, J.G.R. Forlong, E.O. James, E.S. Drower, and others" (Sabazius, 1997).

Table of contents

Official rites of EGC

Additional EGC Rituals, which do not have official status

There are other rituals that are not considered to be EGC ceremonies per se, but that are celebrated within the context of the Church. Examples are The Cross-Quarter Rituals ( and Liturgy 93 (

Sites of Interest


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