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Euclydes Lacerda de Almeida

From Thelemapedia

Euclydes Lacerda de Almeida (Frater Thor) 1936-2010- was Marcelo Motta's ( first A.'.A.'. disciple and achieved, under his orientation, the Zelator Grade. In 1975 they broke ranks and Thor kept his Way by himself. He founded two Thelemic groups in Brazil, the Ordem dos Cavaleiros de Thelema (Order of Knights of Thelema) and the Sociedade Novo Aeon (New Aeon Society).

In October 2000, Soror Khali Athena (Motta's friend) wrote a letter to Frater Iskurus Australis about Frater Thor.

He was the A.'. A.'. senior brother in Brazil.

External links:


This link,, contains information that has been credibly reported as being unreliable. First, the timeline biography of Euclides Lacerda (Frater Thor) contains a huge amount of manipulated information about the O.T.O. in Brazil. Also, information about the first group that was initiated in Brazil in 1995 contains an altered image, and gives a false account of Lacerda receiving the Initiation Team from the United States.

For more accurate information, and an unaltered version of the image, see the Scarlet Woman Lodge publication The Scarlet Letter Vol. III No. 2, Pp. 3-4, in the article about the initiations in Brazil.

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