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Hymenaeus Beta

From Thelemapedia

Hymenaeus Beta is the current Outer Head of the Order (OHO or "Caliph") of Ordo Templi Orientis. He was born in Paris, France on 12 August 1955. He studied music in New England, possibly at Harvard University, in the 1970s. He is a musician who plays electric viola, mandolin, guitar, bass and electronics. HB was a member of Coil from 1997 through 2004, playing electric viola.

HB has also played with Psychic TV and appears on Thee Fractured Garden (1995), Cold Blue Torch (1995), Trip Reset (1996), Spatial Memory (1996), and Thee Fractured Garden (2004) and is mostly credited as playing viola and viola synthesizer.

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Occult activities

HB has been involved in the occult since at least August of 1978, when he was initiated into the Minerval degree of Ordo Templi Orientis. During the next few years, he advanced through the Man of Earth degrees of O.T.O., taking his IV° & P.I. at Tahuti Lodge in New York City in January of 1985.

Following the death of Hymenaeus Alpha (Grady McMurtry), HB was elected as the new of Ordo Templi Orientis in a special election by all the active IX° members of O.T.O., where he assumed the name Hymenaeus Beta.

Frater Superior of O.T.O.

Frater Hymenaeus Beta XII° is the current Outer Head of the Order (O.H.O.) of Ordo Templi Orientis. He was elevated to that office in 1985, following the death of his predecessor, Grady McMurtry (Hymenaeus Alpha). As O.H.O., he holds supreme authority over O.T.O. In addition, the O.H.O. is ex officio the Patriarch of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, the liturgical arm of O.T.O.

Significant accomplishments during Hymenaeus Beta's reign include:

Editor of Thelemic Books

HB is well-known in the occult community as the editor of many of the works of Aleister Crowley.

The works he has edited include:

See also

External links


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