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Days and Dates

Dates and times are recorded using the typical notation of Astrology, indicating the positions of the Sun and Moon in the tropical zodiac. The day of the week is recorded in Latin.


The more precisely the solar and lunar positions are noted, the more precisely the date and time will be known. The Moon takes about 2.3 days to move through a zodiacal sign. Simply recording the signs that the Sun and Moon are in will therefore only describe a period of slightly more than two standard days. Recording the day of the week eliminates the possibility of uncertainty about the day referred to. In addition, more precision can be had by indicating the degrees, minutes, and seconds of the position of the Sun and Moon.


The planetary assignment of days of the week and the tracking of the sun and moon through the zodiac all tap into a great wealth of symbolism. Events may be scheduled according to their symbolic relevance: for example, the installation of a lodgemaster on Dies Jovii (the day of Jupiter).


The following are examples of accepted ways to record the same Thelemic date, beginning with the most precise.

  • Sol 22°13'5" Taurus, Luna 29°6'19" Pisces, dies Saturnii
  • Sol 22°13' Taurus, Luna 29°6' Pisces, dies Saturnii
  • Sol 22° Taurus, Luna 29° Pisces, dies Saturnii
  • Sol in Taurus, Luna in Pisces, dies Saturnii
  • Sol in Taurus, Luna in Pisces


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