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Plymouth Brethren

From Thelemapedia

The Plymouth Brethren is a [[Christianity|Christian] religious movement founded in Dublin, Ireland in 1828 EV and made prominent by John Nelson Darby, Edward Cronin, John Bellett, and Francis Hutchinson. As the movement spread, a large group of adherents assembled in Plymouth and the members were called the Plymouth Brethren.

Between the years 1845 and 1848 a difference over the "independence" of local meetings resulted in the first division, causing a distinction to be made between the Open Brethren mainly referred to by the name Plymouth Brethren, and the Exclusive Brethren.

Open Brethren remain loosely affiliated and over the years have come to resemble Protestant evangelical churches in doctrine, except that there are no officially recognized clergy and the Lord's Supper is celebrated weekly - both of which are common to open and exclusive groups alike.

Plymouth Brethren and Crowley

Crowley's parents were members of the Plymouth Brethren, an extremely devout Christian sect. The Bible was Crowley's only reading material as a youngster, and like many young people he particularly enjoyed the "exciting bits" and in particular the stories about the Beast 666. This and his mothers referring to him as "The Beast" are what got him is now infamous nickname.

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