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1. Intro | 2. Logging In | 3. Editing | 4. Formatting | 5. Thelemapedia links | 6. Content | 7. External links | 8. Conversation | 9. Wrap-up

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Hello! Welcome to the Thelemapedia Tutorial. Thelemapedia is a collaboratively edited Internet encyclopedia to which you can contribute by adding and editing material. This series of pages will give you the basic skills and knowledge you'll need to start helping us build this project.

Each page will discuss a useful feature of the wiki software, a piece of style and content guidance, information about the Thelemapedia community, or important Thelemapedia policies and conventions.

Keep in mind that this is a tutorial, not a definitive policy page or an extensive manual. If you want more details, throughout the tutorial there are wiki links to other Thelemapedia pages. Those pages have more information on the topics here. You don't need to look at them now, but you can if you want. You can find them on the Help page.

There will also be links to spaces where you can practice what you're learning. Take advantage of the chance to try things out and play around. Nobody will get upset if you screw up an experiment in these practice areas, so play around and see what you can do.

Ready? Then let's begin.

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This page has been accessed 9777 times. This page was last modified 15:19, 20 Jan 2005. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2.

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