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Holy Books of Thelema

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Revision as of 21:17, 9 Jul 2005
Fr. Zabed (Talk | contribs)
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Frater C.U.G. (Talk | contribs)
matched the style of L418 with the rest
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*'''[http://www.hermetic.com/crowley/libers/lib10.html Liber X]: Liber Porta Lucis'''—An account of the sending forth of the [[Master Therion]] by the [[A.'.A.'.]] and an explanation of his mission. *'''[http://www.hermetic.com/crowley/libers/lib10.html Liber X]: Liber Porta Lucis'''—An account of the sending forth of the [[Master Therion]] by the [[A.'.A.'.]] and an explanation of his mission.
-*'''[http://www.hermetic.com/crowley/libers/lib27.html Liber XXVII]: Liber Trigrammaton'''—Being a book of [[Trigrams]] of the Mutations of the [[Tao]] with the Yin and Yang. An account of the Cosmic process.+*'''[http://www.hermetic.com/crowley/libers/lib27.html Liber XXVII]: Liber Trigrammaton'''—Being a book of [[I Ching|Trigrams]] of the Mutations of the [[Tao]] with the Yin and Yang. An account of the Cosmic process.
*'''[http://www.hermetic.com/crowley/libers/lib65.html Liber LXV]: Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente'''—An account of the relations of the aspirant and his Holy Guardian Angel. *'''[http://www.hermetic.com/crowley/libers/lib65.html Liber LXV]: Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente'''—An account of the relations of the aspirant and his Holy Guardian Angel.
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*'''[http://www.hermetic.com/crowley/libers/lib813.html Liber DCCCXIII]: Ararita'''—An account of the Hexagram and the method of reducing it to the Unity and Beyond. This book describes in magical language a very secret process of Initiation. *'''[http://www.hermetic.com/crowley/libers/lib813.html Liber DCCCXIII]: Ararita'''—An account of the Hexagram and the method of reducing it to the Unity and Beyond. This book describes in magical language a very secret process of Initiation.
-*[[The Vision and the Voice]]+*'''[http://www.hermetic.com/crowley/l418/418.html Liber CDXVIII]:[[The Vision and the Voice]]'''—Being of the Angels of the Thirty Aethyrs, the Vision and the Voice. Besides being the classical account of the Thirty Aethyrs and a model of all visions, the cries of the Angels should be regarded as accurate, and the doctrine of the function of the Great White Brotherhood understood as the foundation of the Aspiration of the Adept. The account of the Master of the Temple should, in particular, be taken as authentic.
==References== ==References==

Current revision


Terms & Concepts
The Book of the Law
Numbers in Thelema
Aleister Crowley

Nuit | Hadit | Horus
Babalon | Chaos
Aiwass | Ankh-af-na-khonsu

True Will
Holy Guardian Angel
Stele of Revealing
Body of Light
City of the Pyramids
Lust of Result
Night of Pan
Saying Will
The Great Work
Secret Chiefs
Holy Books of Thelema

Part of the Thelema & Religion series

The Holy Books of Thelema are those works that Aleister Crowley penned, but that he claimed were written through him—not by him. They therefore are to be considered 'inspired' works. The chief of these books, Liber AL vel Legis, is the only one that involved a voice dictating the text to him. Of all the others, Crowley writes in Confessions:

"The spirit came upon me and I wrote a number of books in a way which I hardly know how to describe. They were not taken from dictation like The Book of the Law nor were they my own composition. I cannot even call them automatic writing. I can only say that I was not wholly conscious at the time of what I was writing...I cannot doubt that these books are the work of an intelligence independent of my own."


Crowley, Aleister. (1988). The Holy Books of Thelema (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=scarletwomanl-20&path=tg/detail/-/0877286868/qid%3D1086975292/sr%3D1-1). Samuel Weiser:York Beach, Maine.