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Tree of Life

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Revision as of 17:39, 30 Jan 2005
Ash (Talk | contribs)
Revision as of 17:42, 30 Jan 2005
Ash (Talk | contribs)
Line 60: Line 60:
The vertical columns of the sephiroth form three "pillars": The vertical columns of the sephiroth form three "pillars":
-*'''[[Boaz]]'''—the left Pillar, called ''Severity'' ([[Binah]],[[Geburah]], and [[Hod]]) +*'''[[Tree of Life: Pillars#Boaz|Boaz]]'''—the left Pillar, called ''Severity'' ([[Binah]],[[Geburah]], and [[Hod]]) 
-*'''[[Middle Pillar]]'''—the center column, called ''Balance'' ([[Kether]], [[Tiphareth]], [[Yesod]], [[Malkuth]]) +*'''[[Tree of Life: Pillars#Middle Pillar|Middle Pillar]]'''—the center column, called ''Balance'' ([[Kether]], [[Tiphareth]], [[Yesod]], [[Malkuth]]) 
-*'''[[Jachin]]'''—the right Pillar, called ''Mercy'' ([[Chokmah]], [[Chesed]], [[Netzach]])+*'''[[Tree of Life: Pillars#Jachin|Jachin]]'''—the right Pillar, called ''Mercy'' ([[Chokmah]], [[Chesed]], [[Netzach]])
===The Triplicities=== ===The Triplicities===
Line 74: Line 74:
===The Four Worlds=== ===The Four Worlds===
-*'''[[Briah]]''' (The Creative World) +*'''[[The Four Worlds#Briah|Briah]]''' (The Creative World) 
-*'''[[Atziluth]]''' (The Archetypical World) +*'''[[The Four Worlds#Atziluth|Atziluth]]''' (The Archetypical World) 
-*'''[[Yetzirah]]''' (The Formative World) +*'''[[The Four Worlds#Yetzirah|Yetzirah]]''' (The Formative World) 
-*'''[[Assiah]]''' (The Material World)+*'''[[The Four Worlds#Assiah|Assiah]]''' (The Material World)
===The Parts of the Soul=== ===The Parts of the Soul===
-*'''[[Yechidah]]''' (The Self) +*'''[[Parts of the Soul#Yechidah|Yechidah]]''' (The Self) 
-*'''[[Chiah]]''' (The Life Force) +*'''[[Parts of the Soul#Chiah|Chiah]]''' (The Life Force) 
-*'''[[Neshama]]''' (The Intuition) +*'''[[Parts of the Soul#Neshama|Neshama]]''' (The Intuition) 
-*'''[[Ruach]]''' (The Intellect) +*'''[[Parts of the Soul#Ruach|Ruach]]''' (The Intellect) 
-*'''[[Nephesh]]''' (The Animal Soul)+*'''[[Parts of the Soul#Nephesh|Nephesh]]''' (The Animal Soul)
==The Correspondances== ==The Correspondances==

Revision as of 17:42, 30 Jan 2005

The sephiroth (singular sephira) are the ten eminations or manifestations of God or the Universe. They begin with the highest aspect, Kether, and as the energy or concepts pass through creation, they reach the physical world, Malkuth. Connecting many of the sephiroth are pathways, 22 in all. Within the western magical tradition, the Tree is used as a kind of conceptual filing cabinet. Each sephera and path is assigned various ideas, such as gods, cards of the Tarot, astrological planets and signs, elements, etc. Within Thelema, the seminal book which defines all these correspondances is 777 by Aleister Crowley, although there have been other influential writers on the topic, including Israel Regardie and Eliphas Levi.

Table of contents

Parts of the Tree of Life


The Negative Veils

Sephiroth (Eminations)

There is also the "false" sephiroth, Daath, or Knowledge.

The Paths

There are 22 paths that connect the ten sephiroth. They are named according to the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

The Veils

The Pillars

The vertical columns of the sephiroth form three "pillars":

The Triplicities

Above the physical world of Malkuth, there are three sets of three sephiroth:

The Four Worlds

The Parts of the Soul

The Correspondances

The defining feature of the Tree of Life as it's used in Thelema is the correspondances. The general idea is that all the concepts found in a sephiroth or path have essential ties with each other. Many of the correspondances are from the Jewish Kabbalistic tradition, although there are many that were added on by members of the Golden Dawn and also by Aleister Crowley. The following list is not complete—these are the correspondances listed on Thelemapedia.