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Karl Germer

(Revision as of 01:38, 23 Aug 2012)


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Karl Germer Born 22 January 1885 in Elberfeld, Germany, Died 25 October 1962 in Westpoint, California.

Crowley’s representitive in Germany, who came over to America after being released from Nazi confinement. He states that he received Knowledge & Conversation of his Holy Guardian Angel while in Nazi confinement. In 1942, Crowley appointed him as his successor as Outer Head of the Order of Ordo Templi Orientis, the office he filled after the death of Crowley in 1947.

Germer buried Crowley's ashes in a strong box near a tree in Hampton, New Jersey. However, he has not been able to find the ashes since that time, only finding a few nails from the strong box. He believes that Jane Wolfe told someone who may have been responsible for stealing Crowley's remains.


Karl Germer was criticized for not working to expand the order and limiting initiations to people already initiated into the Order.

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