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International College of Thelema

(Revision as of 07:18, 19 Jun 2013)

The International College of Thelema (formerly known as the College of Thelema of Northern California) is a non-profit religious and educational corporation, based on the principles of Thelema. It was founded "in service" to the A.’.A.’., to provide preparatory training in magick, mysticism, Qabalah, Tarot, Astrology, and more. Each student is assigned an individual teacher, who will provide one-to-one instruction and group classes.

The I.C.O.T. was founded by explicit warrant from Soror Meral (Phyllis Seckler) before her death, as a continuation of her life’s work.

The Temple of the Silver Star is the initiatory order within I.C.O.T.

NOTE: The unaffiliated College of Thelema (based in Southern California) continues its work under separate leadership.

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The Temple of the Silver Star (

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