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From Thelemapedia

Stewards are Thelemapedians who have "administrator" rights. Their primary responsibility is to care for the welfare and integrity of the site. Editorially, they have no more authority than any other site member, and are equally bound to Thelemapedia editorial policies. At the same time, they do have special security privileges which they use to enforce policy when necessary. For example, they have the ability to protect and delete pages, block and ban users, and delete obvious vandalism. More than that, they are available for dispute mediation and as a source of assistance, essentially providing guidance and leadership within the Thelemapedia community.

Current Stewards


Stewards are expected to be familiar with Thelemapedia policies and guidelines. They should be courteous, and should exercise good judgment and patience in dealing with others. The central concern of a Steward should be the welfare of the site. Moreover, Stewards are expected to help expand the site, both in terms of adding new materials and in extending its profile within the greater Thelemic community. Here is a detailed list of Steward duties:


Stewards have certain security-based priviledges to help them fulfill their duties. These include:

Becoming a Steward

Stewardship is granted to trusted members of the community who are familiar with Thelemapedia policies and have a substantial history of contributing to the site. They should be able to discuss issues without becoming personal. Even in the face of abuse and irrationality, a Steward should show patience and a willingness to listen and compromise. Finally, a Steward must be willing to do admin chores, such as making good wiki links, correcting errors, improving the category system, and maintaining the integrity of the various sections.

Applying for Stewardship

Any O.T.O. initiate in good standing can become a Steward. If you would like to apply for Stewardship, follow the directions on the following page: Thelemapedia:Apply for Stewardship.

Removal of Stewards

Stewards may have their privileges temporarily suspended by the agreement of any two other stewards. The Scarlet Woman Lodge Master, or his appointed delegate, reviews any suspensions and makes a decision to:

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This page has been accessed 19520 times. This page was last modified 20:22, 19 Nov 2005. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2.

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