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Thelemapedia:Really Simple Tutorial

From Thelemapedia

Introduction | The Basics | More Formatting | Content | Tidbits

Hello! Welcome to the Really Simple Tutorial. This guide will, um..., guide you through the basic aspects of Thelemapedia and show you how to edit and create articles. We promise, this is really simple, and you'll get it in no time. If this tutorial is a little too simple, try out the original Thelemapedia Tutorial (which is still pretty simple).

Thelemapedia is a wiki

Okay, Thelemapedia is run on what is called a "wiki", which is software that allows anyone to add and make changes to pages on the site. This tutorial will show you how to do that. However, you do have to become a member of the site first.

Thelemapedia is an encyclopedia

That means it attempts to be a reference guide to existing knowledge as it relates to Thelema. This site is not the place for personal opinions, subjective experience, original research, or pushing an agenda. There will be more on this topic later...

Thelemapedia uses the GNU license

Next important thing: Thelemapedia articles are protected under the GNU Free Documentation License ( Essentially, that means that anything you add here can:

  1. Be edited by any other site member
  2. Be copied by another site that is also protected by the same license
Introduction | The Basics | More Formatting | Content | Tidbits

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This page has been accessed 28270 times. This page was last modified 02:41, 2 Jul 2005. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2.

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