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U.S. Grand Lodge

From Thelemapedia

United States Grand Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis (commonly abbreviated as U.S. Grand Lodge or U.S.G.L.) is the administrative body for O.T.O. in the United States of America and its territories and possessions. U.S.G.L. was the first national section of O.T.O. to be chartered separately from international headquarters in the modern era. It was established by Hymenaeus Beta in 1996, with Sabazius X° appointed to serve as Rex Summus Sanctissimus ("Supreme and Holy King").

As of February 2005, U.S. Grand Lodge includes more than 40 local bodies in 26 states, serving approximately 2000 active members. U.S.G.L. supports significantly more O.T.O. activity than the remainder of the world combined.

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