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Builders of the Adytum

From Thelemapedia

Builders of the Adytum was founded by Paul Foster Case originaly as the School of Ageless Wisdom in Boston, MA. B.O.T.A. is now based in Los Angeles, CA. with branchs in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. It has various local bodies within the USA, Latin America, Europe, and the South Pacific.

BOTA's rituals, beliefs, and practices are Golden Dawn based as Paul Case was iniated member a member of the Thoth-Hermes Temple of the Alpha et Omega in New York City in 1916 as Fr. Perservantia. According P.F. Case, his concept of BOTA was already formed in his mind by time he joined the A.'. O.'.. Between 1920-21 he received a series of letters from Dr. Pullen-Berry confirming PFC's thinking as to the structure and purpose of BOTA and as approval from the Third order for his plans.

Case resigned in June 1922 from the Alpha et Omega after resigning all his offices in the order at the request of Moina Mathers over a dispute about the teaching of sex magick. PFC spent the rest of the year putting all that he had learned into a series of correspondence lessons. The School of Ageless Wisdom was founded the following year with BOTA being fomally incorporated in 1929.

In 1932, at the prompting of the Third Order PFC moved BOTA to Los Angeles, CA where he continued to extend the lessons into other areas not included in the curriculum of the Golden Dawn, such as more emphasis on the Tarot. One aspect never included was Enochian Magick as PFC thought it was too dangerous and blamed it for the death of his Alpha et Omega mentor Michael Whitty.

External Links

Builders of the Adytum Website (

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