Path of Aleph
(Revision as of 14:13, 13 Oct 2004)
In the Qabalah, the 22 Paths (named after the letters of the Hebrew alphabet) connect the ten Sephiroth on the "Tree of Life." The first is the Path of Alpeh, which connects Kether with Chokmah.
Qabalistic Attributions
The following attributions are mostly taken from 777, by Aleister Crowley. The small "#" links will show the full column of that attribution
- Key Scale: 11 (#)
- Name (Hebrew Letter): Aleph (Ox) (#)
- Value of Hebrew Letter: 1
- Path joins: Kether (1) and Chokmah (2)
- Tarot Atu: The Fool (#)
- Element: Air (#)
- Astrology: — (#)
- Egyptian (selection): Nu [Hoor-pa-kraat as ATU 0, “The Fool”] (#)
- Egyptian (practical): Mout (#)
- Hindu: The Maruts [Vayu] (#)
- Scandinavian: Valkyries (#)
- Greek: Zeus (#)
- Roman: Jupiter [Juno, Æolus] (#)
- Christian: God the Holy Ghost (as Comforter and Inspirer of Scripture), God the Healer of Plagues(#)
- King Scale: Bright pale yellow (#)
- Queen Scale: Sky blue (#)
- Emperor Scale: Blue emerald green (#)
- Empress Scale: Emerald flecked gold (#)
Material Correspondances
- Animals: Eagle, Man (Cherub of Air) [Ox] (#)
- Plants: Aspen (#)
- Precious Stones: Topaz (#)
- Perfume: Galbanum (#)
- Vegetable Drugs: Peppermint (#)
- Mineral Drug: — (#)
- The Human Body: Respiratory Organs (#)
Magick & Mysticism
- The Four Quarters: Mezrach (East)
- Archangels of the Quarters: Raphael
- Order of Qliphoth: Elements (#)
- Forty Buddhist Meditations: Wind (#)
- Magical Weapons: The Dagger or Fan (#)
- Magical Formula: — (#)
- Magical Power: Divination (#)
- System of Taoism: Sun (#)
- Figure related to Pure Number: — (#)
- Lineal Figures of the Planets, &c., and Geomany: Those of Airy Triplicity (#)
- The Letters of the Name: Vau
- The Parts of the Soul: Ruach
- Alchemical Elements: Mercury
- The Demon Kings: Oriens
- Legendary Orders of Being: Sylphs
- The Four Worlds: Yetrizah, Formative World
- Heavens of Assiah: Ruach (Air) (#)
- God Name in Assiah: Jehovah (#)
- The Elements and Senses: Air and Smell
- Supereme Elemental Kings: Tahoeloj
- Rulers of the Elements: Ariel
- Angels of the Elements: Chassan
- Kings of the Elemental Spirits: Paralda
- The Five Elements (Tatwas): Vayu—the Blue Circle
The Court Cards of the Tarot, with the Spheres
- Wands: The Prince of the Chariot of Fire. Rules 20° Cancer to 20° Virgo, including most of Leo Minor.
- Cups: The Prince of the Chariot of the Waters. 20° Libra to 20° Scorpio
- Swords: The Prince of the Chariot of Air. 20° Capricorn to 20° Aquarius
- Disks: The Prince of the Chariot of Earth. 20° Aries to 20° Taurus
- Crowley, Aleister. (1982). 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings. York Beach, Me. : S. Weiser.