Tree of Life:Assiah
(Redirected from Tree of Life:God Names in Assiah)
Categories: Qabalah | Tree of Life
Part of the Tree of Life series
T H E T R E E O F L I F E |
![]() The Tree of Life includes |
- Columns from Liber 777:
- V—"God-Names in Assiah"
- XCIX—"Archangels of Assiah"
- C, CI—"Angels of Assiah"
- CII—"The Revolutions of Adonai in Assiah"
- XCIII—"The Heavens of Assiah"
- XCV—"Contents of [The Heavens of Assiah]"
- Columns from Liber 777:
Within the western magical tradition, the Tree of Life is used as a kind of conceptual filing cabinet within the larger system of the Qabalah, the use of which was central to the mystical teachings of Aleister Crowley. Each sephera ("Emination") and path is assigned various ideas, such as astrological planets and signs, cards of the Tarot, and the classical elements. Many of these correspondances were gathered together in Crowley's book Liber 777, which is used for these listings.
Table of contents |
God-Names in Assiah
- 1 Kether:אהיה – AHIH (Ehieh)
- 2 Chokmah:יה – YH (Yah)
- 3 Binah: יהוה אלהים – YHVH ALHIM (Tetragrammaton Elohim)
- 4 Chesed: אל – AL (El)
- 5 Geburah: אלהים גביר – ALHIM GBVR (Elohim Gibor)
- 6 Tiphareth: יהוה אלוה ודעת – YHVH ALVH VDAaTh (Tetragrammaton Eloah va-Da’ath)
- 7 Netzach: יהוה צבאות – YHVH TzBAVTh (Tetragrammaton Tzabaoth)
- 8 Hod: אלהים בצאות – ALHIM TzBAVTh (Elohim Tzabaoth)
- 9 Yesod: שדי אל חי – ShDI AL ChI (Shaddai El Chai)
- 10 Malkuth: אדני מלך – ADNI MLK (Adonai Melek)
- 11 Aleph (Air): יהוה – YHVH (Tetragrammaton)
- 23 Mem (Water): אל – AL (El)
- 31 Shin (Fire): אלהים – ALHIM (Elohim)
- 32-bis (Earth): (אדני (הארץ – ADNI (HARTz) (Adonai ha-Aretz)
- 31-bis (Spirit): (יהשוה (אהיה : אגלא – YHShVH (AHIH : AGLA) (Yeheshua [Ehieh:A.G.L.A.])
- 12 Beth (Mercury): אזבוגה – a
- 13 Gimel (Luna): דה אלים – Y
- 14 Daleth (Venus): אהא – Y
- 27 Pé (Mars): אדני – Adonai
- 30 Resh (Sol): אלה – Y
- 32 Tau (Saturn): אב יה – Y
Archangels of Assiah
- 1 Kether: מטטרון Metatron
- 2 Chokmah: רציאל Ratziel
- 3 Binah: צפקיאל Tzaphkiel
- 4 Chesed: צדקיאל Tzadkiel
- 5 Geburah: כמאל Kamael
- 6 Tiphareth: רפאל Raphael
- 7 Netzach: האניאל Haniel
- 8 Hod: מיכאל Mikael
- 9 Yesod: גבריאל Gabriel
- 10 Malkuth: סנדלפון Sandalphon ( מטטרון Metatron)
Angels of Assiah
- 1 Kether: חיות הקדש Chaioth ha-Qadosh (Holy living creatures)
- 2 Chokmah: אופנים Auphanim (Wheels)
- 3 Binah: אראלים Aralim (Active ones, thrones)
- 4 Chesed: חשמלים Chashmalim (Brilliant ones)
- 5 Geburah: שרפים Seraphim (Fiery serpents)
- 6 Tiphareth: מלכים Malakim (Kings)
- 7 Netzach: אלהים Elohim (Gods)
- 8 Hod: בני אלהים Beni Elohim (Sons of God)
- 9 Yesod: כרבים Kerubim (Angels of elements)
- 10 Malkuth: אשים Ashim (Flames)
The Revolutions of Adonai in Assiah
- 1 Kether: אדני
- 2 Chokmah: אדינ
- 3 Binah: אניד
- 4 Chesed: אינד
- 5 Geburah: אידנ
- 6 Tiphareth: דניא
- 7 Netzach: דנאי
- 8 Hod: דינא
- 9 Yesod: דיאנ
- 10 Malkuth:
- דאינ
- דאינ
- אל אדנא
The Heavens of Assiah and their contents
- 1 Kether, 2 Chokmah, 3 Binah: ערבות Araboth (Plain) / Blessings, all good things
- 4 Chesed: מכון Makhon (Emplacement) / Snow, rain, spirit of life, blessings
- 5 Geburah: מעון Maon (Residence) / Angels singing in Divine Presence
- 6 Tiphareth: זבול Zebul (Dwelling) / Altar, Mikhael offering souls of just
- 7 Netzach: שחקים Shechaqim (Clouds) / Millstones where manna for just is ground for future
- 8 Hod: רקיע Raquia (Firmament) / Sol, Luna, planets, stars, and 10 spheres
- 9 Yesod, 10 Malkuth: תבל וילון שמים Tebel Vilon Shamaim (Veil of the vault of heaven) / Has no use. Follow 390 heavens, 18,000 worlds, Earth, Eden and Hell
See also: Col. VI, the astrological/elemental "Heavens of Assiah"