Tree of Life:Colors
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Categories: Qabalah | Tree of Life
Part of the Tree of Life series
T H E T R E E O F L I F E |
![]() The Tree of Life includes |
- Columns from Liber 777:
- XV—"The King Scale of Colour (י)"
- XVI—"The Queen Scale of Colour (ה)"
- XVII—"The Emperor Scale of Colour (ו)"
- XVIII—"The Empress Scale of Colour (ה)"
- CXI—"Sephirotic Colours (Dr. Jellinek)"
- Columns from Liber 777:
Within the western magical tradition, the Tree of Life is used as a kind of conceptual filing cabinet within the larger system of the Qabalah, the use of which was central to the mystical teachings of Aleister Crowley. Each sephera ("Emination") and path is assigned various ideas, such as astrological planets and signs, cards of the Tarot, and the classical elements. Many of these correspondances were gathered together in Crowley's book Liber 777, which is used for these listings.
The 10 Sephiroth
1 Kether
- King Scale: Brilliance
- Queen Scale: White brilliance
- Emperor Scale: White brilliance
- Empress Scale: White flecked gold
- Sephirotic Colour: Concealed Light
2 Chokmah
- King Scale: Pure soft blue
- Queen Scale: Grey
- Emperor Scale: Blue pearl grey, like mother-of pearl
- Empress Scale: White, flecked red, blue, and yellow
- Sephirotic Colour: Sky Blue
3 Binah
- King Scale: Crimson
- Queen Scale: Black
- Emperor Scale: Dark brown
- Empress Scale: Grey flecked pink
- Sephirotic Colour: Yellow
4 Chesed
- King Scale: Deep violet
- Queen Scale: Blue
- Emperor Scale: Deep purple
- Empress Scale: Deep azure flecked yellow
- Sephirotic Colour: White
5 Geburah
- King Scale: Orange
- Queen Scale: Scarlet red
- Emperor Scale: Bright scarlet
- Empress Scale: Red flecked black
- Sephirotic Colour: Red
6 Tiphareth
- King Scale: Clear pink rose
- Queen Scale: Yellow (gold)
- Emperor Scale: Rich salmon
- Empress Scale: Gold amber
- Sephirotic Colour: White-red
7 Netzach
- King Scale: Amber
- Queen Scale: Emerald
- Emperor Scale: Bright yellow green
- Empress Scale: Olive flecked gold
- Sephirotic Colour: Whitish-red
8 Hod
- King Scale: Violet purple
- Queen Scale: Orange
- Emperor Scale: Red-russet
- Empress Scale: Yellow-brown flecked white
- Sephirotic Colour: Reddish-white
9 Yesod
- King Scale: Indigo
- Queen Scale: Violet
- Emperor Scale: Very dark purple
- Empress Scale: Citrine flecked azure
- Sephirotic Colour: White-red-whitish-red-reddish-white
10 Malkuth
- King Scale: Yellow
- Queen Scale: Citrine, olive, russet, and black
- Emperor Scale: Citrine, olive, russet, and black, flecked with gold
- Empress Scale: Black rayed yellow
- Sephirotic Colour: The Light reflecting all colours
The 22 Paths
11 Aleph
- King Scale: Bright pale yellow
- Queen Scale: Sky blue
- Emperor Scale: Blue emerald green
- Empress Scale: Emerald flecked gold
12 Beth
- King Scale: Yellow
- Queen Scale: Purple
- Emperor Scale: Grey
- Empress Scale: Indigo rayed violet
13 Gimel
- King Scale: Blue
- Queen Scale: Silver
- Emperor Scale: Cold pale blue
- Empress Scale: Silver rayed sky-blue
14 Daleth
- King Scale: Emerald green
- Queen Scale: Sky blue
- Emperor Scale: Early spring green
- Empress Scale: Bright rose or cerise rayed pale yellow
15 Hé
- King Scale: Scarlet
- Queen Scale: Red
- Emperor Scale: Brilliant flame
- Empress Scale: Glowing red
16 Vau
- King Scale: Red orange
- Queen Scale: Deep indigo
- Emperor Scale: Deep warm olive
- Empress Scale: Rich brown
17 Zain
- King Scale: Orange
- Queen Scale: Pale Mauve
- Emperor Scale: New yellow leather
- Empress Scale: Reddish grey inclined to mauve
18 Cheth
- King Scale: Amber
- Queen Scale: Maroon
- Emperor Scale: Rich bright russet
- Empress Scale: Dark greenish brown
19 Teth
- King Scale: Yellow, greenish
- Queen Scale: Deep purple
- Emperor Scale: Grey
- Empress Scale: Reddish amber
20 Yod
- King Scale: Green, yellowish
- Queen Scale: Slate grey
- Emperor Scale: Green grey
- Empress Scale: Plum
21 Kaph
- King Scale: Violet
- Queen Scale: Blue
- Emperor Scale: Rich purple
- Empress Scale: Bright blue rayed yellow
22 Lamed
- King Scale: Emerald Green
- Queen Scale: Blue
- Emperor Scale: Deep Blue-green
- Empress Scale: Pale green
23 Mem
- King Scale: Deep blue
- Queen Scale: Sea-green
- Emperor Scale: Deep olive-green
- Empress Scale: White flecked purple
24 Nun
- King Scale: Green blue
- Queen Scale: Dull brown
- Emperor Scale: Very dark brown
- Empress Scale: Livid indigo brown (like a black beetle)
25 Samekh
- King Scale: Blue
- Queen Scale: Yellow
- Emperor Scale: Green
- Empress Scale: Dark vivid blue
26 Ayin
- King Scale: Indigo
- Queen Scale: Black
- Emperor Scale: Blue black
- Empress Scale: Cold dark grey, near black
27 Pé
- King Scale: Scarlet
- Queen Scale: Red
- Emperor Scale: Venetian red
- Empress Scale: Bright red rayed azure or emerald
28 Tzaddi
- King Scale: Crimson (ultra violet)
- Queen Scale: Sky blue
- Emperor Scale: Blueish mauve
- Empress Scale: White tinged purple
29 Qoph
- King Scale: Violet
- Queen Scale: Buff, flecked silver-white
- Emperor Scale: Light translucent pinksh brown
- Empress Scale: Stone color
30 Resh
- King Scale: Orange
- Queen Scale: Gold yellow
- Emperor Scale: Rich amber
- Empress Scale: Amber rayed red
31 Shin
- King Scale: Glowing orange scarlet
- Queen Scale: Vermilion
- Emperor Scale: Scarlet, flecked gold
- Empress Scale: Vermilion flecked crimson & emerald
32 Tau
- King Scale: Indigo
- Queen Scale: Black
- Emperor Scale: Blue black
- Empress Scale: Black rayed blue
- King Scale: Citrine, russet, olive, and black (quartered)
- Queen Scale: Amber
- Emperor Scale: Dark brown
- Empress Scale: Black and yellow
- King Scale: White, merging Grey
- Queen Scale: Deep purple (near black)
- Emperor Scale: The 7 prismatic colours, the violet being outside
- Empress Scale: White, red, yellow, blue, black (the latter outside)