Tree of Life:Godforms
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Categories: Godforms | Qabalah | Tree of Life
Part of the Tree of Life series
T H E T R E E O F L I F E |
![]() The Tree of Life includes |
- Columns from Liber 777:
- XIX—"Selection of Egyptian Gods"
- XX—"Complete Practical Attribution of Egyptian Gods"
- XXII—"Small selection of Hindu Deities"
- XXXIV—"Some Greek Gods"
- XXXV—"Some Roman Gods"
- XXXIII—"Some Scandinavian Gods"
- XXXVI—"Selection of Christian Gods (10); Apostles (12); Evangelists (4) and Churches of Asia (7)"
- Columns from Liber 777:
Within the western magical tradition, the Tree of Life is used as a kind of conceptual filing cabinet within the larger system of the Qabalah, the use of which was central to the mystical teachings of Aleister Crowley. Each sephera ("Emination") and path is assigned various ideas, such as astrological planets and signs, cards of the Tarot, and the classical elements. Many of these correspondances were gathered together in Crowley's book Liber 777, which is used for these listings.
The 10 Sephiroth
0 The Negative Veil
- Egyptian (Selection)— Harpocrates, Amoun, Nuith Nuit and Hadit
- Egyptian (Practical)—Heru-pa-Kraath
- Hindu—AUM
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Pan
- Roman—
- Christian—
1 Kether
- Egyptian (Selection)—Ptah, Asar un Nefer, Hadith Heru-Ra-Ha
- Egyptian (Practical)—Ptah
- Hindu—Parabrahm (or any other whom one wishes to please) Shiva, Brahma
- Scandinavian—Wotan
- Greek—Zeus, Iacchus
- Roman—Jupiter
- Christian—God the 3 in 1
2 Chokmah
- Egyptian (Selection)—Amoun, Thoth, Nuith
- Egyptian (Practical)—Isis (as Wisdom)
- Hindu—Shiva, Vishnu (as Buddha avatars), Akasa (as matter), Lingam
- Scandinavian—Odin
- Greek—Athena, Uranus, Hermes
- Roman—Janus, Mercury
- Christian—God the Father, God who guides Parliament
3 Binah
- Egyptian (Selection)—Maut, Isis, Nephthys
- Egyptian (Practical)— Nephthys
- Hindu—Bhavani (all forms of Sakti), Prana (as Force), Yoni
- Scandinavian—Frigga
- Greek—Cybele, Demeter, Rhea, Heré, Psyche, Kronos
- Roman—Juno, Cybele, Hecate
- Christian—The Virgin Mary
4 Chesed
- Egyptian (Selection)—Amoun, Isis, Hathoor
- Egyptian (Practical)—Amoun
- Hindu—Indra, Brahma
- Scandinavian—Wotan
- Greek—Poseidon, Zeus
- Roman—Jupiter, Libitina
- Christian—God the Rain-maker, God the Farmer’s Friend
5 Geburah
- Egyptian (Selection)—Horus, Nephthys
- Egyptian (Practical)—Horus
- Hindu—Vishnu, Varruna-Avatar
- Scandinavian—Thor
- Greek—Ares, Hades
- Roman—Mars
- Christian—Christ coming to Judge the World
6 Tiphareth
- Egyptian (Selection)—Asar, Ra, On, Hrumachis
- Egyptian (Practical)—Ra
- Hindu—Vishu-Hari-Krishna-Rama
- Scandinavian—Balder
- Greek—Iacchus, Apollo, Adonis, Dionysus, Bacchus
- Roman—Apollo, Bacchus, Aurora
- Christian—God the Son, Maker of fine Weather
7 Netzach
- Egyptian (Selection)—Hathoor
- Egyptian (Practical)—Hathoor
- Hindu—Bhavani
- Scandinavian—Freya
- Greek—Aphrodite, Nike
- Roman—Venus
- Christian—Messiah, Lord of Hosts
8 Hod
- Egyptian (Selection)—Anubis
- Egyptian (Practical)—Thoth
- Hindu—Hanuman
- Scandinavian—Odin, Loki
- Greek—Hermes
- Roman—Mercury
- Christian—God the Holy Ghost (as Comforter and Inspirer of Scripture), God the Healer of Plagues
9 Yesod
- Egyptian (Selection)—Shu, Hermanubis, all exclusively phallic gods
- Egyptian (Practical)—Shu
- Hindu—Ganesha, Vishnu, Kurm Avatar
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Zeus (as Air), Diana of Epheus (as phallic stone & Luna), Eros
- Roman—Diana (as Luna), Terminus, Jupiter
- Christian—God the Holy Ghost (as Incubus)
10 Malkuth
- Egyptian (Selection)—Seb, Lower (i.e. unwedded) Isis and Nephthys, Sphinx as synthesis of Elements]
- Egyptian (Practical)—Osiris
- Hindu—Lakshmi, Kundalini
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Persephone, Adonis, Psyche
- Roman—Ceres
- Christian—Ecclesia Xsti, the Virgin Mary
The 22 Paths
11 Aleph
- Egyptian (selection): Nu, Hoor-pa-kraat as Atu 0, “The Fool”
- Egyptian (practical): Mout
- Hindu: The Maruts, Vayu
- Scandinavian: Valkyries
- Greek: Zeus
- Roman: Jupiter, Juno, [[Æolus]
- Christian: God the Holy Ghost (as Comforter and Inspirer of Scripture), God the Healer of Plagues
12 Beth
- Egyptian (Selection)—Thoth, Cynocephalus
- Egyptian (Practical)—Thoth
- Hindu—Hanuman, Vishnu (as Parasa-Rama)
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Hermes
- Roman—Mercury, Juno, Æolus
- Christian—Sardis
13 Gimel
- Egyptian (Selection)—Chomse
- Egyptian (Practical)—Chomse
- Hindu—Chandra (as Luna)
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Artemis, Hekate
- Roman—Diana
- Christian—Laodicea
14 Daleth
- Egyptian (Selection)—Hathor
- Egyptian (Practical)—Hathor
- Hindu—Lalita (sexual aspect of Sakti)
- Scandinavian—Freya
- Greek—Aphrodite
- Roman—Venus
- Christian—Thyatira
15 Hé
- Egyptian (Selection)—Mentu
- Egyptian (Practical)—Isis
- Hindu— Shiva
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Athena
- Roman—Mars, Minerva
- Christian—
16 Vau
- Egyptian (Selection)—Asar, Ameshet, Apis
- Egyptian (Practical)—Osiris
- Hindu—Shiva (Sacred Bull)
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Hera
- Roman—Venus, Hymen
- Christian—
17 Zain
- Egyptian (Selection)—Various twin Deities, Rekht, Merti, etc., Heru-Ra-Ha
- Egyptian (Practical)—The twin Merti
- Hindu—Various twin and hybrid Deities
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Apollo the Diviner, Eros
- Roman—Castor and Pollux, Janus
- Christian—
18 Cheth
- Egyptian (Selection)—Khephra
- Egyptian (Practical)—Hormakhu
- Hindu—Krishna
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Apollo the Charioteer
- Roman—Mercury, Lares and Penates
- Christian—
19 Teth
- Egyptian (Selection)—Ra-Hoor-Khuit, Pasht, Sekhet, Mau
- Egyptian (Practical)—Horus
- Hindu—Vishnu, Nara-Singh Avatar
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Demeter [borne by lions]
- Roman—Venus (repressing the Fire of Vulcan)
- Christian—
20 Yod
- Egyptian (Selection)—Isis as Virgin
- Egyptian (Practical)—Heru-pa-Kraath
- Hindu—The Gopi Girls, the Lord of Yoga
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Attis
- Roman—Ceres, Adonis, Vesta, Flora
- Christian—
21 Kaph
- Egyptian (Selection)—Amoun-Ra
- Egyptian (Practical)—Amoun-Ra
- Hindu—Brahma, Indra
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Zeus
- Roman—Jupiter, Pluto
- Christian—Philadelphia
22 Lamed
- Egyptian (Selection)—Ma
- Egyptian (Practical)—Maat
- Hindu—Yama
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Themis, Minos, Aeacus and Rhadamanthus
- Roman—Vulcan, Venus, [[Nemesis]
- Christian—
23 Mem
- Egyptian (Selection)—Tum, Ptah, Auramoth (as Water), Asar (as Hanged Man), Hekar, Isis, Hathor
- Egyptian (Practical)—
- Hindu—Soma, Apas
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Poseidon
- Roman—Neptune, Rhea
- Christian—John, Jesus as Hanged Man
24 Nun
- Egyptian (Selection)—Merti goddesses, Typhon, Apep, Khephra
- Egyptian (Practical)—Hammemit
- Hindu—Kundalini, Yama
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Ares, Apollo the Pythean, Thanatos
- Roman—Mars, Mors
- Christian—
25 Samekh
- Egyptian (Selection)—Nephthys
- Egyptian (Practical)—
- Hindu—Vishnu (Horse-Avatar)
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Apollo, Artemis (hunters)
- Roman—Diana (as Archer), Iris
- Christian—
26 Ayin
- Egyptian (Selection)—Khem, Set
- Egyptian (Practical)—Set
- Hindu—Lingam, Yoni
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Pan, Priapus, Erect Hermes
- Roman—Vesta, Bacchus
- Christian—
27 Pé
- Egyptian (Selection)—Horus
- Egyptian (Practical)—Mentu
- Hindu—Krishna
- Scandinavian—Tuisco
- Greek—Ares, Athena
- Roman—Mars
- Christian—Pergamos
28 Tzaddi
- Egyptian (Selection)—Ahepi, Aroueris
- Egyptian (Practical)—Nuit
- Hindu—The Maruts
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Athena, Ganymede
- Roman—Juno, Æolus
- Christian—
29 Qoph
- Egyptian (Selection)—Khephra (as Scarab in Tarot Trump)
- Egyptian (Practical)—Anubi
- Hindu—Vishnu (Matsya Avatar)
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Poseidon, Hermes (as Psychopomp)
- Roman—Neptune
- Christian—
30 Resh
- Egyptian (Selection)—Ra (and many others)
- Egyptian (Practical)—Ra
- Hindu—Agni, Tejas, Yama (as God of Last Judgement)
- Scandinavian—Freyr
- Greek—Helios
- Roman—Apollo, Ops
- Christian—Smyrna
31 Shin
- Egyptian (Selection)—Thoum-Aesh-Neith, Mau, Kabeshunt, Horus, Tarpesheth
- Egyptian (Practical)—Mau
- Hindu—Surya (as Sol)
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Hades
- Roman—Vulcan, Pluto
- Christian—Mark
32 Tau
- Egyptian (Selection)—Sebek, Mako
- Egyptian (Practical)—
- Hindu—Brahma
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Athena
- Roman—Saturn, Terminus, Astræa
- Christian—Ephesus
- Egyptian (Selection)—Satem, Ahapshi, Nephthys, Ameshet
- Egyptian (Practical)—
- Hindu—Prithivi
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Demeter, Gaia
- Roman—Ceres
- Christian—Luke
- Egyptian (Selection)—Asar
- Egyptian (Practical)—
- Hindu—Akasa
- Scandinavian—
- Greek—Iacchus
- Roman—Liber, Bacchus
- Christian—The Holy Ghost