Tree of Life:Astrological Angels
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Categories: Qabalah | Tree of Life
Part of the Tree of Life series
T H E T R E E O F L I F E |
![]() The Tree of Life includes |
- Columns from Liber 777:
- CXLVI-CXLVIII—"Angels of the Decantes (Ascendant, Succedent, Cadent)"
- CXLII (142)—"Angels ruling Houses"
- CXLIII (143)—"Twelve Lesser Assistant Angels in the Signs"
- CXLIV (144)—"Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Day"
- CXLV (145)—"Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Night"
- Columns from Liber 777:
Within the western magical tradition, the Tree of Life is used as a kind of conceptual filing cabinet within the larger system of the Qabalah, the use of which was central to the mystical teachings of Aleister Crowley. Each sephera ("Emination") and path is assigned various ideas, such as astrological planets and signs, cards of the Tarot, and the classical elements. Many of these correspondances were gathered together in Crowley's book Liber 777, which is used for these listings.
Angels of the Decantes
Ascendant / Succedent / Cadent
- 15 (Path of Hé) Aries—זזר Zazer / בההמי Behahemi / סטנדר Satonder
- 16 (Path of Vau) Taurus—כדמדי Kadamidi / מנחראי Minacharai / יכסגנוץ Yakasaganotz
- 17 (Path of Zain) Gemini—סגרש Sagarash / שהדני Shehadani / ביתון Bethon
- 18 (Path of Cheth) Cancer—מתראוש Mathravash / רהדץ Rahadetz / אלינכיר Alinkir
- 19 (Path of Teth) Leo—לוסנהר Losanahar / זחעי Zachi / סהיבר Sahiber
- 20 (Path of Yod) Virgo—אננאורה Ananaurah / ראידיה Rayadyah / משפר Mishpar
- 22 (Path of Lamed) Libra—טרסני Tarasni / סהרנץ Saharnatz / שחדר Shachdar
- 24 (Path of Nun) Scorpio—כמוץ Kamotz / ננדוהר Nundohar / ותרודיאל Uthrodiel
- 25 (Path of Samekh) Sagittarius—משראת Mishrath / והרין Vehrin / אבוהא Aboha
- 26 (Path of Ayin) Capricorn—מסנון Misnim / יסיסיה Yasyasyah / יסגדיברודיאל Yasgedibarodiel
- 28 (Path of Tzaddi) Aquarius—סספם Saspam / אבדרון Abdaron / גרודיאל Gerodiel
- 29 (Path of Qoph) Pisces—בהלמי Bihelami / אורון Avron / סטריף Satrip
Angels ruling Houses
- 15 Hé (Aries): איאל Ayel
- 16 Vau (Taurus): טואל Toel
- 17 Zain (Gemini): גיאל Giel
- 18 Cheth (Cancer): כעאל Kael
- 19 Teth (Leo): עיאל Oel
- 20 Yod (Virgo): ויאל Veyel
- 22 Lamed (Libra): יהאל Yahel
- 24 Nun (Scorpio): סוסול Susul
- 25 Samekh (Sagittarius): סויעסאל Suyasel
- 26 Ayin (Capricorn): כשניעיה Kashenyaiah
- 28 Tzaddi (Aquarius): אנסואל Ansuel
- 29 Qoph (Pisces): פשיאל Pasiel
Twelve Lesser Assistant Angels in the Signs
- 15 Hé (Aries): שרהיאל Sharhiel
- 16 Vau (Taurus): ארזיאל Araziel
- 17 Zain (Gemini): סראיאל Sarayel
- 18 Cheth (Cancer): פכיאל Pakiel
- 19 Teth (Leo): שרטיאל Sharatiel
- 20 Yod (Virgo): שלתיאל Shelathiel
- 22 Lamed (Libra): חדקיאל Chedeqiel
- 24 Nun (Scorpio): סאיציאל Saitziel
- 25 Samekh (Sagittarius): סריטיאל Saritiel
- 26 Ayin (Capricorn): שמקיאל Samqiel
- 28 Tzaddi (Aquarius): צכמקיאל Tzakmiqiel
- 29 Qoph (Pisces): וכביאל Vakabiel