Tree of Life:777
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Categories: Qabalah | Tree of Life | Works of Aleister Crowley
Part of the Tree of Life series
T H E T R E E O F L I F E |
![]() The Tree of Life includes |
Within the western magical tradition, the Tree of Life is used as a kind of conceptual filing cabinet within the larger system of the Qabalah, the use of which was central to the mystical teachings of Aleister Crowley. Each sephera ("Emination") and path is assigned various ideas, such as astrological planets and signs, cards of the Tarot, and the classical elements. Many of these correspondances were gathered together in Crowley's book Liber 777, which is used for these listings.
- I (1)—Key Scale
- II (2)—Hebrew Names of Numbers and Letters
- III (3)—English of Col. II (2)
- IV (4)—Consciousness of the Adept
- V (5)—God-Names in Assiah
- VI (6)—The Heavens of Assiah
- VII (7)—English of Col. VI (6)
- VIII (8)—Orders of Qliphoth
- CXXIII (123)—English of Col. VIII (8), Lines 1-10
- IX (9)—The Sword and the Serpent
- X (10)—Mystic Numbers of the Sephiroth
- XI (11)—Elements (with their Planetary Rulers)
- XII (12)—The Tree of Life
- XIII (13)—The Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah
- XIV (14)—General Attribution of Tarot
- XV (15)—The King Scale of Colour (yod)
- XVI (16)—The Queen Scale of Colour (he)
- XVII (17)—The Emperor Scale of Colour (vau)
- XVIII (18)—The Empress Scale of Colour (he)
- XIX (19)—Selection of Egyptian Gods
- XX (20)—Complete Practical Attribution of Egyptian Gods
- XXI (21)—The Perfected Man
- XXII (22)—Small selection of Hindu Deities
- XXIII (23)—The Forty Buddhist Meditations
- XXIV (24)—Certain of the Hindu and Buddhist Results
- XXXIII (33)—Some Scandinavian Gods
- XXXIV (34)—Some Greek Gods
- XXXV (35)—Some Roman Gods
- XXXVI (36)—Selection of Christian Gods (10); Apostles (12); Evangelists (4) and Churches of Asia (7)
- XXXVII (37)—Hindu Legendary Demons [empty]
- XXXVIII (38)—Animals, Real and Imaginary
- XXXIX (39)—Plants, Real and Imaginary
- XL (40)—Precious Stones
- XLI (41)—Magical Weapons
- XLII (42)—Perfumes
- XLIII (43)—Vegetable Drugs
- XLIV (44)—Mineral Drugs
- XLV (45)—Magical Powers (Western Mysticism)
- XLVI (46)—System of Taoism
- XLVII (47)—Kings and Princes of the Jinn
- XLVIII (48)—Figures related to Pure Number
- XLIX (49)—Lineal Figures of the Planets, &c, and Geomancy
- L (50)—Transcendental Morality (10 Virtues (1-10), 7 Sins (Planets), 4 Magick Powers (Elements))
- LI (51)—The Coptic Alphabet (Numeration of Col LI (51)) (English equivalent of Col LI (51))
- LII (52)—The Arabic Alphabet
- CLXXXIV (184)—Numeration of Arabic Alphabet
- LIII (53)—The Greek Alphabet
- CLXXXV (185)—Numeration of Greek Alphabet
- CLXXXVI (186)—Diseases (Typical)
- LIV (54)—The Letters of the Name
- LV (55)—The Elements and Senses
- LVI (56)—The Four Rivers
- LVII (57)—The Four Quarters
- LVIII (58)—Supereme Elemental Kings
- LIX (59)—Archangels of the Quarters
- LX (60)—The Rulers of the Elements
- LXI (61)—Angels of the elements
- LXII (62)—Kings of the Elemental Spirits
- LXIII (63)—The Four Worlds
- LXIV (64)—Secret Names of the Four Worlds
- LXV (65)—Secret Numbers corresponding
- LXVI (66)—Spelling of Tetragrammaton in the Four Worlds
- LXVII (67)—The Parts of the Soul
- LXVIII (68)—The Demon Kings
- LXIX (69)—The Alchemical Elements
- LXX (70)—Attribution of Pentagram
- LXXI (71)—The Court Cards of the Tarot, with the Spheres of their Celestial Dominion—Wands
- LXXII (72)—The Court Cards of the Tarot, with the Spheres of their Celestial Dominion—Cups
- LXXIII (73)—The Court Cards of the Tarot, with the Spheres of their Celestial Dominion—Swords
- LXXIV (74)—The Court Cards of the Tarot, with the Spheres of their Celestial Dominion—Pantacles
- LXXV (75)—The Five Elements (Tatwas)
- LXXVI (76)—The Five Skandhas
- CXCI (191)—The Four Noble Truths (Buddhism)
- LXXVII (77)—The Planets and their Numbers
- LXXVIII (78)—Intelligences of the Planets
- CXCIV (194)—(transliteration)
- LXXIX (79)—Spirits of the Planets
- CXCIII (193)—(transliteration)
- LXXX (80)—Olympic Planetary Spirits
- LXXXI (81)—Metals
- LXXXII (82)—The Noble Eightfold Path
- CXCII (192)—English of Col. LXXXII (82)
- LXXXIII (83)—The Attribution of the Hexagram
- LXXXIV (84)—Divine Names of Briah
- LXXXV (85)—Angels of Briah
- LXXXVI (86)—Choirs of Angels in Briah
- LXXXVII (87)—Palaces of Briah
- LXXXVIII (88)—Translation of Col. LXXXVII (87)
- LXXXIX (89)—The Revolutions of אהיה in Briah
- XC (90)—The 42-fold Name which revolves in the Palaces of Yetzirah
- XCI (91)—The Saints or Adepts of the Hebrews
- XCII (92)—The Angelic Functions in the World of Yetzirah
- XCIII (93)—The Heavens of Assiah
- XCIV (94)—English of Palaces (Col. XCIII (93))
- XCV (95)—Contents of Col. XCIV (94)
- XCVI (96)—The Revolutions of {Tetragrammaton} in Yetzirah
- XCVII (97)—Parts of the Soul
- XCVIII (98)—English of Col. XCVII (97)
- XCIX (99)—Archangels of Assiah
- C (100)—Angels of Assiah
- CI (101)—English of Col. C (100)
- CII (102)—The Revolutions of AdonaI in Assiah
- CIII (103)—The Ten Divisions of the Body of God
- CIV (104)—The Ten Earths in Seven Palaces
- CV (105)—English of Col. CIV (104)
- CVI (106)—The Ten Hells in Seven Palaces
- CVII (107)—Translation of Hells
- CVIII (108)—Some Princes of the Qliphoth
- CIX (109)—The Kings of Edom
- CIX (109)—(continued) The Dukes of Edom
- CX (110)—Elements and Quarters (Sepher Yetzirah)
- CXI (111)—Sephirothic Colours (Dr. Jellinek)
- CXII (112)—Alchemical Tree of Life (i)
- CXIII (113)—Alchemical Metals (ii)
- CXIV (114)—Passwords of the Grades
- CXV (115)—Officers in a Masonic Lodge
- CXVI (116)—Egyptian Attribution of Parts of the Soul
- CXVII (117)—The Soul (Hindu)
- CXVIII (118)—The Chakkras or Centres of Prana (Hinduism)
- CXIX (119)—The Ten Fetters (Buddhism)
- CXX (120)—Magical Images of the Sephiroth
- CXXI (121)—The Grades of the Order
- CXXII (122)—The Ten Plagues of Egypt
- CXXIV (124)—The Heavenly Hexagram
- CXXV (125)—Seven Hells of the Arabs
- CXXVI (126)—Their Inhabitants
- CXXVII (127)—Seven Heavens of the Arabs
- CXXVIII (128)—Meaning of Col CXXVII (127)
- CXXIX (129)—Pairs of Angels ruling Wands
- CXXX (130)—Pairs of Angels ruling Cups
- CXXXI (131)—Pairs of Angels ruling Swords
- CXXXII (132)—Pairs of Angels ruling Coins
- CXXXIII (133)—Titles and Attributions of the Wand Suit (Clubs)
- CXXXIV (134)—Titles and Attributions of the Cup or Chalice Suit (Hearts)
- CXXXV (135)—Titles and Attributions of the Sword Suit (Spades)
- CXXXVI (136)—Titles and Attributions of the Coin, Disc or Pantacle Suit (Diamonds)
- CXXXVII (137)—Signs of the Zodiac
- CXXXVIII (138)—Planets ruling Col. CXXXVII (137)
- CXXXIX (139)—Planets exalted in Col. CXXXVII (137)
- CXL (140)—Twelve Banners of the Name
- CXLI (141)—The Twelve Tribes
- CXLII (142)—Angels ruling Houses
- CXLIII (143)—Twelve Lesser Assistant Angels in the Signs
- CXLIV (144)—Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Day
- CXLV (145)—Angel Lords of the Triplicity in the Signs by Night
- CXLVI (146)—Angels of the Decantes (Ascendant)
- CXLVII (147)—Angels of the Decantes (Succedent)
- CXLVIII (148)—Angels of the Decantes (Cadent)
- CXLIX (149)—Magical Images of the Decans (Ascendant)
- CL (150)—Magical Images of the Decans (Succedent)
- CLI (151)—Magical Images of the Decans (Cadent)
- CLII (152)—Perfumes (Ascendant)
- CLIII (153)—Perfumes (Succedent)
- CLIV (154)—Perfumes (Cadent)
- CLV (155)—Goetic Demons of Decans by Day (Ascendant)
- CLVI (156)—Magical Images of Col CLV (155)
- CLVII (157)—Goetic Demons of Decans by Day (Succedent)
- CLVIII (158)—Magical Images of Col CLVII (157)
- CLIX (159)—Goetic Demons of Decans by Day (Cadent)
- CLX (160)—Magical Images of Col CLIX (159)
- CLXI (161)—Goetic Demons &c by Night (Ascendant)
- CLXII (162)—Magical Images of Col CLXI (161)
- CLXIII (163)—Goetic Demons &c by Night (Succedent)
- CLXIV (164)—Magical Images of Col CLXIII (163)
- CLXV (165)—Goetic Demons &c by Night (Cadent)
- CLXVI (166)—Magical Images of Col CLXV (165)
- CLXVII (167)—Egyptian Gods of Zodiac (Asc Decans)
- CLXIX (169)—As Col. CLXVII (167) (Succedent)
- CLXXI (171)—As Col. CXLVII (167) (Cadent)
- CLXVIII (168)—Egyptian Names of Asc Decans
- CLXX (170)—As Col. CXVIII (168) (Succendent)
- CLXXII (172)—As Col. CXLVIII (168) (Cadent)
- CLXXIII (173)—Genii of the Twelve Hours (Levi)
- CLXXIV (174)—The Mansions of the Moon (Hindu, Nakshatra) Arab, Manazil
- CLXXV (175)—Hebrew Letters
- CLXXVI (176)—Numerical Value of Col. CLXXV (175)
- CLXXVII (177)—Yetziratic Attribution of Col. CLXXV (175)
- CLXXVIII (178)—Geomantic Intelligences
- CLXXIX (179)—Numbers printed on Tarot Trumps
- CLXXX (180)—Title of Tarot Trumps
- CLXXXI (181)—Correct Design of Tarot Trumps
- CLXXXII (182)—The Human Body
- CLXXXIII (183)—Legendary Orders of Being
- CLXXXVII (187)—Magical Formulæ (see Col. XLI (41))
- CLXXXVIII (188)—The Body
- CLXXXIX (189), CXC (190)— Bodily Functions