Tree of Life:Eastern Mysticism
(Redirected from Tree of Life:Chakras)
Categories: Qabalah | Tree of Life
Part of the Tree of Life series
T H E T R E E O F L I F E |
![]() The Tree of Life includes |
- Columns from Liber 777:
- CXVIII—"The Chakkras or Centres of Prana (Hinduism)"
- XXIV—"Certain of the Hindu and Buddhist Results"
- LXXV—"The Five Elements (Tatwas)"
- LXXVI—"The Five Skandhas"
- CXCI—"The Four Noble Truths (Buddhism)"
- LXXXII—"The Noble Eightfold Path"
- CXIX—"The Ten Fetters (Buddhism)"
- CXVII—"The Soul (Hindu)"
- CXXVII—"Seven Heavens of the Arabs"
- CXXVIII—"Meaning of [the Seven Heavens of the Arabs]"
- CXXV—"Seven Hells of the Arabs"
- CXXVI—"Their Inhabitants"
- CLXXIV—"The Mansions of the Moon (Hindu, Nakshatra) Arab, Manazil
- XLVI—"System of Taoism
- XXIII—"The Forty Buddhist Meditations
- Columns from Liber 777:
Table of contents [hide] |
The Chakkras or Centres of Prana (Hinduism)
- 1 Kether: Sahasrara (above Head)
- 2 Chokmah: Ajna (Pineal Gland)
- 3 Binah: Visuddhi (Larynx)
- 4 Chesed: Anahata (heart)
- 5 Geburah: Anahata (heart)
- 6 Tiphareth: Anahata (heart)
- 7 Netzach: Manipura (Solar Plexus)
- 8 Hod: Svadistthana (Navel)
- 9 Yesod: Muladhara (Lingam and Anus)
- 10 Malkuth: —
Certain of the Hindu and Buddhist Results
- 0 Negative Veils: Nerodha-samapatti, Nirvikalpa-samadhi, Shiva darshana
- 1 Kether: Unity with Brahma, Atma darshana
- 6 Tiphareth: Vishvarupa-darshanaa
- 10 Malkuth: Vision of the “Higher Self,” the various Dhyanas or Jhanas
- 11 Aleph (Air): Vaya-Bhawanar
- 13 Gimel (Luna): Vision of Chandraiac
- 14 Daleth (Venus): Success in Bhaktiogas
- 16 Vau (Taurus): Success in Hathayoga, Asana and Prana-yama
- 23 Mem (Water): Apo-Bhawana
- 30 Resh (Sol): Vision of Surya
- 31 Shin (Fire): Agni-Bhawana
- 32-bis (Earth): Prithiva-Bhawana
- 31-bis (Spirit): Vision of the Higher Self, Prana-yama
The Five Elements (Tatwas)
- 11 Aleph (Air): Vayu—the Blue Circle
- 23 Mem (Water): Apas—the Silver Crescent
- 31 Shin (Fire): Agni or Tejas—the Red Triangle
- 32-bis (Earth): Prithivi—the Yellow Square
- 31-bis (Spirit): Akasa—the Black Egg
The Five Skandhas
- 11 Aleph (Air): Sankhara
- 23 Mem (Water): Vedana
- 31 Shin (Fire): Sañña
- 32-bis (Earth): Rupa
- 31-bis (Spirit): Viñnanam
The Four Noble Truths (Buddhism)
- 11 Aleph (Air): Sorrow’s Cause
- 23 Mem (Water): Sorrow’s Ceasing
- 31 Shin (Fire): Noble Eight-fold Path
- 32-bis (Earth): Sorrow
The Noble Eightfold Path
- 12 Beth (Mercury): Sammavaca (Right Speech)
- 13 Gimel (Luna): Samma Samkappa (Right Aspiration)
- 14 Daleth (Venus): Sammakammanta (Right Conduct)
- 21 Kaph (Jupiter): Samma Ajiva (Right Discipline)
- 27 Pé (Mars): Sammavayama (Right Energy)
- 30 Resh (Sol): Sammasamadhi (Right Rapture)
- 32 Tau (Saturn): Sammasati and Sammaditthi (Right Recollection (in both senses of the word) and Right Viewpoint)
The Ten Fetters (Buddhism)
- 1 Kether: Aruparga
- 2 Chokmah: Vikkikika
- 3 Binah: Rupraga
- 4 Chesed: Silabata Paramesa
- 5 Geburah: Patigha
- 6 Tiphareth: Udakkha
- 7 Netzach: Mano
- 8 Hod: Sakkya-ditti
- 9 Yesod: Kama
- 10 Malkuth: Avigga
The Soul (Hindu)
- 1 Kether: Atma
- 2 Chokmah: Buddhi
- 3 Binah: Higher Manas
- 4 Chesed: Lower Manas
- 5 Geburah: Lower Manas
- 6 Tiphareth: Lower Manas
- 7 Netzach: Kama
- 8 Hod: Prana
- 9 Yesod: Linga Sharira
- 10 Malkuth: Sthula Sharira
Seven Heavens of the Arabs
- 1 Kether, 2 Chokmah, 3 Binah: Dar al-Jalai (House of Glory, made of pearls)
- 4 Chesed: Dar as-Salam (House of Rest or Peace, made of rubies and jacinths)
- 5 Geburah: Jannat al-Maawa (Garden of Mansions, made of yellow copper)
- 6 Tiphareth: Jannat al-Khuld (Garden of Eternity, made of yellow coral)
- 7 Netzach: Jannat al-Naim (Garden of Delights, made of white diamond)
- 8 Hod: Jannat al-Firdaus (Garden of Paradise, made of red gold)
- 9 Yesod, 10 Malkuth: Jannat al-’adn or al-Karar (Garden of Eden, or Everlasting Abode, made of red pearls or pure musk)
Seven Hells of the Arabs and their Inhabitants
- 1 Kether, 2 Chokmah, 3 Binah: Háwiyah / Hypocrites
- 4 Chesed: Jahim / Pagans or Idolaters
- 5 Geburah: Sakar / Guebres
- 6 Tiphareth: Sa’ir / Sabians
- 7 Netzach: Hutamah / Jews
- 8 Hod: Laza / Christians
- 9 Yesod, 10 Malkuth: Jehannum / Moslems
The Mansions of the Moon
- 15 Hé (Aries): Aries—Sharatan (Ram’s head), Butayn (Ram’s belly), and 0°-10° Suraya (the Pleiads)
- 16 Vau (Taurus): Taurus—10°-30° Suraya. Dabaran (Alldeboran), and 0°-20° Hak’ah (three stars in head of Orion)
- 17 Zain (Gemini): Gemini—20°-30° Hak’ah, Han’ah (stars in Orion’s shoulder), and Zira’a (two stars above Gemini)
- 18 Cheth (Cancer): Cancer—Nasrah (Lion’s nose), Tarf (Lion’s eye) and 0°-10° Jabhah (Lion’s forehead)
- 19 Teth (Leo): —10°-30° Jabhah, Zubrah (Lion’s mane), and 0°-20° Sarfah (Cor Leonis)
- 20 Yod (Virgo): —20°-30° Sarfah, ’Awwa (the Dog, two stars in Virgo), and Simak (Spica Virginis)
- 22 Lamed (Libra): —Gafar (θ, ι, and α in foot of Virgo), Zubáni (horns of Scorpio), and 0°-10° Iklil (the Crown)
- 24 Nun (Scorpio): —10°-30° Iklil, Kalb (Cor Scorpionis), and 0°-20° Shaulah (tail of Scorpio)
- 25 Samekh (Sagittarius): —20°-30° Shaulah, Na’aim (stars in Pegasus), and Baldah (no constellation)
- 26 Ayin (Capricorn): —Sa’ad al-Zábih (the Slaughterer’s Luck), Sa’ad al-Bal’a (Glutton’s Luck), and 0°-10° Sa’ad al Sa’ad (Luck of Lucks, stars in Aquarius)
- 28 Tzaddi (Aquarius): —10°-30° Sa’ad al-Sa’ad, Sa;ad al-Akhbiyah (Luck of Tents), and 0°-20° Fargh the former (spout of the Urn)
- 29 Qoph (Pisces): —20°-30° Fargh the former, Fargh the latter (hind lip of Urn), and Risháa (navel of Fish’s belly)
System of Taoism
The Sephiroth
- 0 Negative Veils: The Tao or Great Extreme of the Yi King
- 1 Kether: Shang Ti (also the Tao)
- 2 Chokmah: The Yang and Khien
- 3 Binah: Kwan-se-on, The Yin and Khwan
- 4 Chesed: —
- 5 Geburah: —
- 6 Tiphareth: Li
- 7 Netzach: —
- 8 Hod: —
- 9 Yesod: —
- 10 Malkuth: Khan
The Paths
The Elements
The Planets
- 12 Beth (Mercury): Sun
- 13 Gimel (Luna): Kan and Khwan
- 14 Daleth (Venus): Tui
- 21 Kaph (Jupiter): Li
- 27 Pé (Mars): Kan
- 30 Resh (Sol): Li and Khien
- 32 Tau (Saturn): Khan
The Forty Buddhist Meditations
The 10 Sephiroth
- Nothing and Neither P nor p' — F
- Space — F
- Consciousness — F
- 1 Kether: Indifference — S
- 2 Chokmah: Joy — S
- 3 Binah: Compassion — S
- 4 Chesed: Friendliness — S
- 5 Geburah: Death — R
- 6 Tiphareth: Buddha — R
- 7 Netzach: The Gods — R
- 8 Hod: Analysis into 4 Elements — A
- 9 Yesod: Dhamma — R
- 10 Malkuth: Sangha — R; The Body — R
The 22 Paths
The Elements
- 11 Aleph (Air): Wind — K
- 23 Mem (Water): Water — K
- 31 Shin (Fire): Fire — K
- 32-bis (Earth): Earth — K
- 31-bis (Spirit): Breathing — R
The Planets
- 12 Beth (Mercury): Yellow — K
- 13 Gimel (Luna): Loathsomeness of Food — P
- 14 Daleth (Venus): Dark Blue — K
- 21 Kaph (Jupiter): Liberality — R
- 27 Pé (Mars): Blood-red — K
- 30 Resh (Sol): Light — K
- 32 Tau (Saturn): Quiescence — R
The Zodiac
- 15 Hé (Aries): Bloody Corpse — I
- 16 Vau (Taurus): Beaten and Scattered Corpse — I
- 17 Zain (Gemini): White — K
- 18 Cheth (Cancer): Worm-eaten Corpse — I
- 19 Teth (Leo): Gnawed by Wild Beasts Corpse — I
- 20 Yod (Virgo): Bloated Corpse — I
- 22 Lamed (Libra): Hacked in Pieces Corpse — I
- 24 Nun (Scorpio): Skeleton Corpse — I
- 25 Samekh (Sagittarius): Limited Aperture — K
- 26 Ayin (Capricorn): Putrid Corpse — I
- 28 Tzaddi (Aquarius): Purple Corpse — I
- 29 Qoph (Pisces): Conduct — R